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Comment Re:Drivers! (Score 1) 152

As a counterpoint to the other replies that say they have no driver issues : I have a Lenovo laptop with some ATI card and it BSODs when an external monitor is connected. It's the ATI drive that is crashing, and I have updated it.

The laptop is close to two years old though, so maybe they are better now. I'll never find out...

Comment Re:Forrest Gump (Score 1) 532

Actually, I don't think the effects in Transformers were good enough in some ways. The morphing was always a blur and never looked plausible. The effects were excellent by most standards, but since the subject is so unbelievable, they must get better in order to suspend my disbelief.

Comment Re:Hrm (Score 1) 301

I have a litter of puppies and I want to sell them only for enough to cover my own costs. I want to give even the poor a chance to have a puppy. I want my puppies to go to the most appreciative homes. I would prefer that they weren't hoarded by Bulgarian programmers who resell my puppies at a higher price and then throw the unsold puppies in the dumpster.

Comment Re:What World Does He Live On? (Score 1) 1153

Stats is important but without knowing some calculus how can you relate a density function (e.g. the "bell curve") to a probability of an event (the average is close to zero)? I've seen how stats is taught to students without calculus and it's painful. Understanding linear regression is a lot easier if you know how to differentiate.

I totally agree about the trig identities being useless, but that trick in the derivation of the quadratic formula is useful. If you deal with normal distributions in statistics, you will be completing the square all the time.

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