What happens when both sides have stealth, and no one can get missile lock?
But, dogfighting is dead anyway. Now it's just about how many miles out can you "see" the target and fire your BVR missile before he sees you.
What happens when both sides have stealth?
> We are numb, beaten into submission.
50 years old and happily routing/switching/firewalling my days away. As for management
SS was started because folks too old to work any more simply starved.
Citation needed.
Clearly, you didn't read the article. The document attachment won't trigger your scanner, because it exploits an unpublicized kernel vulnerability. Because it's a kernel vulnerability, it's quite unlikely privilege separation will help you. So unless you forbid people to get any and all
Instead of being handled by a government agency overseen by elected officials, you are beholden to a for-profit organization who wants everyone to pay in more than they draw out.
Your faith in the State's benevolence is duly noted, and downright cute.
A carbon tax doesn't destroy the economy per se, it changes the tilt on the game board creating new winners and losers. It only causes big problems if you insist that the old winners must continue to be winners, which isn't something that any government ought to promise.
Utterly and completely wrong. At the root of the Industrial Revolution is one simple thing: material abundance didn't happen until people found out how to replace muscle power with the stored energy in abundant fossil fuels (there isn't enough wood). A carbon tax makes that energy more expensive. When energy costs rise, everything gets more expensive -- especially food. Cheap food and cheap energy are the basis of modern civilization. Start bumping up the costs of those two things, and marginal countries won't be able to "catch up to the curve" and start improving the lot of the world's poor.
In short, don't kid yourself. Whether AGW is real or not (we don't know), whether it poses a threat or not (surely a big event like this would have SOME positive impacts as well as some negative ones), don't kid yourself. Cutting down carbon emissions will kill some people -- it just won't be people you know.
The people who built the irrigation systems back then understood how salinification worked. They knew that you have to slightly over-water the land to prevent salt buildups.
As your sig says, citation needed.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.