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Comment This is the best I've seen it described (Score 1) 735

To quote :

The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else.
Job security is gone.
The driving force of a career must come from the individual.
Remember: Jobs are owned by the company, you own your career !
- Earl Nightingale

The rest, loyalty to employer, family, pay, job satisfaction and so on is very individual so YMMV
So YOU need to decide how to balance things to may it work to your own satisfaction.
/Life does not come with a manual

Comment Re:Monitors are cheap, so why not? (Score 1) 1002

Can only talk from my own experience - and it all boils down to the bottom line, litterally. I have heard arguments ranging from 'not company policy' to 'too expensive, everyone will want one'. At my present employer the standard machines is a 32-bit Win7 with a max of 3GB of RAM. Having to develop locally means having Eclipse, a db-server and a web server running. So with all the other 'crap' and email aso. running, my machine is having a hard time and I do a lot of waiting. To solve my missing second monitor problem I have settled on installing a virtual desktop, I still have to switch around. But structuring what you have where helps.

Not that the above has much to do with monitors ;-)

To err is human - to blame it on a computer, even more so. - Robert Orben

Collision of Two Asteroids Spotted For the First Time 31

sciencehabit writes "Astronomers report that a small asteroid located in the inner asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter took a major hit early last year. Previously rendered only in artists' conceptions, the first asteroid collision known in modern times revealed itself in a tail of debris streaming from what astronomers at first assumed was a comet. Instead of a steady stream of dust, however, they found boulders near the object with dust moving away from them."

Comment Hearing or sales pitch ? (Score 2, Insightful) 327

"education was secondary to better technology solutions" - was it a hearing or a sales pitch ? I think this quote say it all "The best AV product resides in the cerebral cortex", so start teaching some common sense in school or even better at home. Like you help your kids with homework, I think it is n execellent idea to help them surf safely. I don't care how much parental control sw you install, that is not going to teach anyone common sense or safe surfing.
Murhpys law ? What an optimist

Submission + - Tested: Five Web browsers you've never heard of 1

An anonymous reader writes: Whether you consider Opera an underdog browser or not, it came out on top in a feature on CNet this weekend. It was up against "underdog Web browsers" Camino, K-Meleon, Shiira and Arora in a piece loosely aimed at determining whether these browsers are yet ready to steal significant numbers of users from Firefox, Safari, IE etc. Interesting most to me, however, is that it transpires that Shiira, the Mac browser from Japan, is one of the fastest browsers on the planet, beating the original Chrome v1.0, Firefox 3.5 and more in its benchmark tests.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
