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Comment Re: Ha Ha, Now the lie is openly admitted (Score 1) 401

Claims that it will reduce the deficit are somewhat dubious (e.g,, relying on the assumption that increased IRS enforcement will rake in the dough without considering how people will change their investment/tax shelter strategies to avoid this and the typical govt tricks of "changing" unrealistic projections of future spending to invent a savings).

Don't forget that the government has to pay off the bonds, with interest, when the bearer redeems them. Since the money is already spent, either we will a) default on the obligation and tank our credit rating, b) sell more bonds (with interest) thereby exacerbating the problem, or c) the Fed will have to print new money.

Comment Biased much? (Score 1, Insightful) 401

An impressive amount of one-sided reporting in the OP without even an acknowledgement that anyone could feel differently.

Funny how the "Inflation Reduction Act" is being recast once even the most optimistic independent estimates confirmed that it will do no such thing. Let's ignore the middle-class tax increases and the folly of the government trying to pick private sector winners and losers. At least the limosine liberals will get cheaper electric cars.

Comment Re:It is a solution, not liquid platinum (Score 2) 20

Good question and sorry that I didn't realize that summary article was pay-walled. But, yes it appears to be a solution and the percentage of Pt is very small (e.g., 0.01% Pt according to the summary article). The 'real' article is now out at:

Insights into metal–matrix interactions in atomically dispersed catalytic systems are necessary to exploit the true catalytic activity of isolated metal atoms. Distinct from catalytic atoms spatially separated but immobile in a solid matrix, here we demonstrate that a trace amount of platinum naturally dissolved in liquid gallium can drive a range of catalytic reactions with enhanced kinetics at low temperature (318 to 343K). Molecular simulations provide evidence that the platinum atoms remain in a liquid state in the gallium matrix without atomic segregation and activate the surrounding gallium atoms for catalysis. When used for electrochemical methanol oxidation, the surface platinum atoms in the gallium–platinum system exhibit an activity of 2.8×107mAmg1Pt, three orders of magnitude higher than existing solid platinum catalysts. Such a liquid catalyst system, with a dynamic interface, sets a foundation for future exploration of high-throughput catalysis.

Comment It is a solution, not liquid platinum (Score 2) 20

The research did NOT produce "liquid platinum at room temperature". They created a solution of platinum in "room temperature" gallium.

Not trying to minimize the research, which looks like it could be a highly useful and was accurately represented in the source article. But the Slashdot article title is incorrect.

Comment Absurdle (Score 1) 60

Don't forget Absurdle, which is an adversarial version. Instead of trying to guess the secret word, after each guess the program gives you the response consistent with the largest number of valid words (and the previous guesses). As a result, you are really trying to reduce the number of possible words until there is only one left. It is a lot simpler to play than it sounds and qtnm provides an excellent explanation. The program is deterministic, so the same guesses always produce the same game, but here is also a challenge mode where you try to lock the program into a specific word it provides.

Comment Control Center (Score 2) 488

I haven't noticed any general slowness on an iPhone 5.

However, there does seem to be an issue with the new Control Center. I have noticed sluggish responsiveness from buttons on the bottom of the screen in certain apps, presumably due to a conflict with the Control Center which can be activated by an upwards swipe from the bottom of the screen. Turning off the Control Center within apps (Settings/Control Center/Access within apps) fixed this issue for me while still retaining functionality from the main and lock screens.

Comment Re:CAFE Kills (Score 1) 1184

1) Yes, NEWSFLASH, technology has improved a lot in 50 years. Of course, not all light cars are more dangerous than heavier cars. However, if you take otherwise identical cars with the same level of technology, the heavier one is going to offer more protection in a collision (and/or is able to include more safety features within its weight limit).

It all depends on HOW you improve gas mileage. Faced with an arbitrary mandate like this, if car manufacturers are unable to meet these limits with new breakthroughs, they will most likely either reduce vehicle weight (with potential safety consequences) or create a few token expensive car models which will not really sell, but that have sufficiently improved gas mileage to bring up their average so that they don't have to change the majority of the fleet.

2) I wouldn't call 2.23x the MPG, 'almost triple'. :)

Comment Wizard 101 (Score 1) 480

Wizard 101 is a good fit for that age group and very kid-safe. It has the added advantage that the base game is free (though you will have to pay to unlock later areas). Especially on the "free" areas, it is easy to create a second account and play at the same time as her.

Also agree with Portal/Baldur's Gate/Lego Star Wars,Harry Potter, etc / Zelda (Nintendo DS).

There are also the MySims' series of games. She may enjoy MySims Agents (I've only played on Wii)

Comment Re:Gross... (Score 1) 185

As someone who performs helium-3 MRI on a regular basis, I can hopefully clear up a few things:

- Helium-3 MRI is a research-only technique
- The "veterinary use" is for animals in medical research, not taking "Fluffy" to the Vet.
- Before any recycled helium ever made it to humans, it would have to go through FDA-approved GMP processes. Given the enormous paperwork hassles involved, it is more likely that the recycled helium-3 would only ever be used in animals and in non-medical applications (e.g. low temperature physics).
- Just about everyone performing helium-3 MRI is trying to capture the exhaled gas whenever possible to conserve the supply. There is also a significant push to transition to the use of an isotope of Xenon gas. While Xenon-129 is much more abundant than helium-3, there are differences in its properties that make it better or worse suited for different experiments.

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