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Comment Its not the PPI is the gyroscopic latency (Score 1) 62

Its not the PPI is the gyroscopic latency

GPUs aren't fast enough to process rendering with head controls, that's why the games that make you feel the least sick are on rails.

John Karmack had some amazing ideas at Oculus by doing better PPI at camera focal points to minimize the GPU load.

No this PPI development would make VR worse.

Comment Re:I dont see the problem (Score 1) 196

I DO say that it affects minorities more, but not for the reasons you imply.

Facial recognition disproportionately affects people of color with false positives by vast margins not just caused by sampling but by camera lighting complications with facial structures.

Dozens of articles imply Black americans are much more likely to falsely be targeted by these and used against them despite innocence.

There should be a national moratorium on widespread use.

Comment Sad story bro. Try Kubuntu. (Score 1) 292

Yes, you can run a powershell commandlet and forcibly remove all of that stuff, but next update it's all coming back unless you disable updates / disable security.

Just buy Windows Pro or make the Open source switch or else

bend over, lube up, and except the unsolicited bundleware like the rest of us.

Seriously though, have you taken a look at Ubuntu on Plasma KDE (Kubuntu)?

It's free Windows 10.

Comment How does he have authority? (Score 1) 137

What legal authority does he have to ban a company from operating in the US without any evidence of illegal or criminal activity?


"The U.S. Supreme Court has held that all executive orders from the president of the United States must be supported by the Constitution, whether from a clause granting specific power, or by Congress delegating such to the executive branch ." - Wikipedia

Any executive order would probably eventually be overtuned with judicial review.
Just a bully tactic to be in effect until the courts can take it down.

Comment $50 for SMB and Lost levels only WTF - pass (Score 1) 23

1. Stop using the Game & Watch brand, if you are no longer making watches.
2. Nintendo could easily add a dozen games of their 715 or just a few of their exclusive rights titles, but they don't want to compete against their Switch Nintendo
        WTF you greedy bast@rds.

3. You can buy the same thing from China for $20 that has every NES / SNES rom ever made.
        I'm the biggest Ninten fanboy, but I'm tired of supporting corporation greed.

Comment Re:What's with the inflammatory clickbait headline (Score 1) 127

There is nothing wrong with Chinese drone parts.
This is xenophobic fearmongering and the reprisal on "american" businesses will be swift.

Same with the fear mongering over TikTok and with huwawei.

The worst part is that the top knows this, but is making these restrictions to help a couple american businesses at the expense of many others.

Yes we shouldn't use chinese parts for american drone DOD clusters and Amazon should really take considerations for their Prime Air plans, but don't impart your chinese hate-mongering world views on MY business decisions.

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