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Comment I am not blaming this on China (Score -1) 59

China loves their pirated Windows too much. Steam grows repeatedly there. China has no Desktop Linux penetration as consequence, while EU/US/rest of world Linux Desktop remains same, Steam starts to account for Chinese user base, so proportionally Linux number is dropping, same as Mac. But unlike Mac, steam is actually supported by Valve. In fact, Valve goes out of their way not just to support Steam, but support(without official support) 3rd party software by providing emulation tools.

Comment Re:You're mixing up capitalism and fascism (Score -1) 127

Millions of people died of starvation/thirst and frost burns and lack of anti sanitary in gulags.

I think that is an exaggeration. The "gulag" was a prison system and they are never pleasant. But it gets conflated with exile to Siberia which was not pleasant but the problems it created (cold, lack of food, etc) were the same for people who lived their to begin with. And it was hardly an invention of the Soviets, it was just a continuation of Tsarist practice. It had nothing to do with either communism or capitalism. It was just authoritarians acting like authoritarians.

Again, disagree with you, 20 millions of people give or take that were send to gulags. This is significant percent of population. Thats not counting people already living in permafrost regions. Albeit their situation was much better for sure, In the world back then, I would call bare minimum for person to survive: roof above head, cloth(two things keep you from overheating/freezing), food, place to sleep/take care of hygiene, basic medic services. Most of those were either denied all together, or provided of sub par quality to significant amount of population. Many peasants/intelligentsia workers were sent to gulags for owning too much through their own labor. So I would not even consider them to be prisoners because of that. Same goes for political prisoners. Criminal prisoners were a minority there.

Comment Re:You're mixing up capitalism and fascism (Score -1) 127

If you look at the Soviet Union post Stalin and his crazy bullshit it actually did a very very good job of providing basic necessities but the living was absolutely miserable because it couldn't provide the niceties that make it worth getting out of bed. .

I would argue it did not. Millions of people died of starvation/thirst and frost burns and lack of anti sanitary in gulags.

Comment This won't fly (Score -1) 158

There are not enough of highly desired man(by definition) for MAJORITY(hence, undeserving) of women to date. Any dates that will happen with man that are 'below' what women PERCEIVE they deserve will end up with remorse and blame to said services. Break up. Problem with dating sites is their past. They failed to set up female value to get more females into their ranks. Now it has backfired. Something unexpected happened. Men went their own way. A giant chunk checked out. 10-15 years ago, anyone but MGTOW would not believe this. But hey, "crazy incels" were completely right. All dating site should have been like: 1. For females, "you have average 1000 messages a day. You are a little below average for female when comes to receiving messages".(and this would show that they are NOTHING special and should adjust expectations, and btw, that info should have been visible for everyone as well). Can be true for males as well, but man don't have inflated egos when comes to said sites. 2. For females and males: "man/woman you approach are top 10%, which you are not. Please pay for privilege". Second would NEVER happen, because it would be life sentence for said sites. They sell males perception that they work. They sell women idea idea of choice. That's why females date only top 10% men. And men pump and dump. Because there is no repercussion for them. That's why ALL dating sites are doomed.

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