I think that most people who buy Macs will continue to run MacOS.
I used Linux on the desktop since 1998 and finally got a Mac from work in about 2013. My wife always had a Mac so I knew how to use it but I always had hardware meant for Linux (Thinkpad). Running Linux on the Mac was terrible (even with slightly older hardware). Two really big reasons: 1. Battery life. 2. Trackpad.
After I got my Mac, I did miss some customization options but soon realized how well the Mac desktop works. They have added quite a few more options that make it better with every release so I am happy to stick with it.
So with Linux on the M1. They might make the trackpad experience closer to MacOS but I doubt they will be able to match the battery life and processing power without getting specs for the CPU. It is unfortunate. I would love to see options like this, I might decide to go back.
It is long but worth the time to understand the issues from the Russian side.
"I'm sure they could've talked to say, Linux himself to help oversee the entire process. Linux might not be involved"
You mean Linus right?
Nest is ~170MB on iOS, YouTube is 220MB. For comparison, apps like Simplenote are ~18MB, Zoom is ~80 and WhatsApp is ~90.
I realize there is a difference in functionality but it can't be that much. I am shocked at how large some of the banking apps are. I decided to delete them from my phone, I will just sign onto the web. Kinda ridiculous but I guess nobody really cares about the size as long as they have good internet speeds.
Actually I confused a couple of issues. KB4461522 actually stopped Office from working in Win XP. I know XP is not supported anymore but there are people using it.
Macros in Office are a big security issue. Once of those updates (I believe it was KB4461522) disabled macros even if the code was signed by Microsoft and is valid. Unfortunately we use this functionality at the moment and had to ask users to remove that update on affected systems.
It may seem funny or a joke (even if it is) but when you break down all CoC documents, they are asking others to be kind and do the morally correct thing. I guess there will always be a couple of people who are offended.
If they, on the other hand, asked people to belittle others and generally be jackasses that would be terrible. Even if this is a joke, its nothing to get upset over.
I know they have been trying for a *long* time to get the UI to a place where it is functional, looks clean and doesn't piss people off.
I have not used Windows on the desktop for at least a decade and don't plan on going back, but competition is always good.
I also hope that the Elementary OS guys get some inspiration from this. I use macOS now but open up my old Thinkpad just to check it out every once in a while.
I hope someone is keeping track of my much money is spend on getting people running Windows 10 compared to other OSes.
I agree with you 100%. There really needs to be a serious advantage for people to even consider switching to Windows.
If Microsoft really wants to help the Linux crowd, contribute to Wine.
This is really pathetic.
There are lots of people that want an Apple laptop (because it is cool) and will upgrade because it is thinner. Apple knows this and made a product to sell to them.
The problem may be that they are alienating certain developers. It still remains to be seen if the people complaining are really a large population or just a loud population. Many reviews complained about "lack of ports" on the MacBook but that laptop is awesome (I have been using it since April 2015 and love it) and I am not alone. I don't think people will mind getting a dongle or get new accessories (SD card readers). I do think that Apple needs to provide an option for 32GB of memory.
Even if Apple pisses people off, I don't see people moving to Windows all of a sudden since there are other issues there. I wish Linux was a more viable alternative for a development environment. That would be awesome to see see developers take that up.
The new version is certainly a good incremental improvement over the previous. I have been using previous model since it was first released and love it because it fits my needs.
- I do wish Apple provided the multi port adapter with the laptop. I rarely use it but have to have one around just in case (USB-A and HDMI)
- Now that they provide a USB-C to lightning cable, I can use the same charger for my phone and laptop. They should have the option to get these with new phones.
The changes in the new version does not justify an upgrade for me. I usually keep my laptops for around 4 years. I do wish they had a batter replacement program.
Decouple KDE from the PIM software. What I find ridiculous is that all that stuff is installed at a time when web applications (especially for email, calendar) are so popular. I understand there are plenty of users that may want to continue using it, but why not let them install it separately. Since when did we start needing MySQL server on the desktop?
KDE definitely seems bloated these days. I am looking forward to LXQT. I just need to get off my ass and install it on a computer to start switching.
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith