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Comment Re: They are Internet Service *Providers* (Score 2) 114

âoe On the other hand some rando internet cop claiming an IP address was used for copyright infringement should be ignored, for obvious reasons.â

The important point here is theyâ(TM)re not looking for copyright infringement. Sony is arguing torrent = copyright infringement. Theyâ(TM)re asking ISPs to disconnect torrent users because they might be using torrents to get copy right material.

Comment Re: I don't understand (Score 1) 1605

âoeMore hysterical nonsense from the party that tried to assassinate him twice, which created a nationwide political censorship regime, used transparently politically motivated lawfare against him, and even tried to remove him from the ballot, to be smacked down by the Supreme Court.
Then told us WE were the Nazis!âoe

Werenâ(TM)t both the attempts by registered republicans?

And yes MAGA == Nazi 100%. Any organization that wants to tell people how to live their life is a fascist organization.

What I hear from MAGA (GOP), in their own ads, is women canâ(TM)t decide their family on their own. Everyone should be a Christian. And if your brain or biology isnâ(TM)t in line with MAGA Christian ideology then you shouldnâ(TM)t exist. And thatâ(TM)s before we talk about all the white supremacist crap.

From the dems I heard never once heard anyone say we need to take away anyoneâ(TM)s rights. None. Even with gun rights I hear people on left simple arguing for responsibility gun ownership. On the left I hear inclusion, trying to help everyone with whatever problem they have, making sure everyone has a shoot at the American dream.

Short version

MAGA wants rule over people.
Dems want to govern on behalf of the people.

And hereâ(TM)s where I, a libtard, will prove Iâ(TM)m a better person than everyone in MAGA world. I didnâ(TM)t vote for him but he won, I accept that, and I will support him as the president of the United States. Unlike my MAGA friends that would only accept a Trump victory.

Comment Re: I don't understand (Score 1) 1605

âoe This is a strawman -- no one on Trump's team are suggesting taking away anyone's rightsâ

Expect for those project 2025 but jobs that think weâ(TM)re need a Christian theocracy and should outlaw abortion and contraception.

I will 100% shocked if Trump actually tries to pass any of tax cuts. I suspect he said a lot of populous centrist stuff to get elected with no intent to follow through. There nothing in it for him. He can get reelected in 28, and I honestly donâ(TM)t think he cares at all about the country or the GOP post Nov 5 2024.

I expect his 2nd term to be just as chaotic and full of bad policy decisions as the first. I do expect it to fuck up the federal bureaucracy and courts for a generation. And I suspect that 2028 will be like the end of most GOP presidencies in my life. The GOP fâ(TM)s up the economy and we elect a democrat to fix it. But because fixing it sucks for people we for some reason think the GOP are better for the economy.

He wasnâ(TM)t a good president in his first term I doubt he will be a good president in his 2nd.

Comment Re: I don't understand (Score 1) 1605

âoeYou do realise he was never called a racist until he ran for president.âoe

Absolutely in correct he established himself as a raced and was labeled such when he took out a full page ad declaring the guilty of the Central Park five, for a crime they have been acquitted of. Before running nobody cared that he was a racist.

Comment Re:Great news for us locals (Score 1) 82

Maybe it will never start. But some amount of that money will flow to business that will at the very least start training people to restart reactors. That's kinda the thing with investments they don't all return but end up laying the groundwork for future investments. Stunt or not, a government investment will hopefully raise peoples interest in nuclear power.

Comment Re:agenda (Score 1) 84

100%. But to clarify. I want a system that favors quality of life over corporate profits. A system that favors worker health physical AND mental over C level bonuses. There is no reason the average CEO should make thousands of times the lowest paid employee.

For the record I've had a work from home programming job for almost 5 years (started pre-covid) now and have to say it's fine. I often find it more stressful than going to the office. When I went to the office, I was "working" while I was there. Now I'm "working" 100% of the time. I personally feel guilty if I don't respond to requests at all times of the day.

Maybe the solution here is to leave the work schedule alone and simply create a maximum wage, kinda like the minimum wage. An executive officer at any company with revenue over 1 million currency units is limited to 4x that salary of the lowest paid employee. Wanna pay your new CEO 150 million units a year better raise the janitor's pay. I would apply this to total compensation, so perks like airplanes, cars, security, stock options, everything is included.

Comment Re:I wonder where the pressure is coming from... (Score 1) 84

Maybe this is about getting more labor into the labor market. But I think the more likely is over the last 40 years the global economy has expanded more than in the previous 1 hundred thousand years. The overwhelming majority of that increase in wealth is going to an increasing smaller portion of the population. I think the working classes are getting fed up and working fewer hours for the same pay is a good smart at pulling some of that wealth back.

Another growing driver for this could also be the transition from a resource constrained economy to a less or zero resource constrained economy. Worker have seen very little benefit to decades of productivity gains from increased technology and automation. In fact labor has suffered under these advances sold as worker aids. As AI, robots, and automation threaten to replace huge segments or the work force maybe people want a system that protects them instead of corporate profits.

Comment Re:Not a New Idea (Score 1) 84

Our (the United States) current system is far from micromanaging regulation. It's regulation based on 1 of 2 things.

1. Some life long bureaucratic just doing their job. For better or worse.
2. Regulation passed to help some group of rich donors get more rich while moving money away from the rich donors of the opposition.

Stop listening to rich people telling you how bad your life would be without them. Because the real answer is it would be pretty awesome.

Anyone telling you how rich they are and how good at business they are is very likely lying to you. Or like a certain US presidential candidate they're just covering up years of shady business dealings that would make a mob boss jealous.

Comment Re:Not a New Idea (Score 1) 84

I absolutely don't want companies or employers operating without oversight. When we tried that in the United States we had employers hiring snipers to shoot striking workers, factory towns where workers effectively got paid in housing and food but never actually built any wealth or retirement, and working conditions so bad deaths and injuries were common and left the victim and their families without a source of income because the company would just fire the injured worker. And in all of this, labor had no say what so ever.

So I respectfully disagree. Governments should 1000% be dictating to businesses the basic conditions for employees and businesses should work within those constraints. Governments should link the minimum wage to a some percentage above the countries poverty line, mandate a better balance between labor and business (the current system favors business), and governments should use corporate taxes to pay for universal healthcare and a universal basic income (I would set this to roughly 50% of the countries poverty line). And just to be clear I don't think this should be a communist system, it should be a highly regulated capital system.

Comment Re:So just like when we got the 5-day work week (Score 1) 84

Any nothing ever will. Maybe we need to accept that there will always be different kinds of jobs requiring different kind of work schedules. A 4 day work week doesn't mean work from home, it means working 32 hours vs 40. I don't know if it's that case with this law but the many documented 32 hour work week success stories are 32 hours of work for 40 hours of pay. This arrangement really only fails for small person business. If you're a business of 1 your work schedule is very different.

So yes WTH doesn't work if you have a job requiring physical presence. But a 32 vs 40 hour week for the same pay certainly does.

Comment Re:So just like when we got the 5-day work week (Score 1) 84

This is such a false argument. Outside specific jobs reducing the work week by 8 hours will have zero impact on company profits. Or imagine this crazy idea. Happy people do better work. Maybe instead of focusing on corporate profits we focus on worker health. The current system is WAY broken, favoring $$$ over people. And it's presented as the natural order of things. When in fact the natural order is that most people want to do something meaningful but we've built a system that favors the rich and we're told it's good for us because the rich are smarter or better. Maybe we change the system to focus on people's happiness and quality of life instead of the amount of $$$ they generate for someone else.

Remember as you live your life it all just to make your feudal lords richer, more famous, or more powerful. Have fun with that.

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