I think that is just a silly argument. You might as well argue that nobody should use rules to differentiate equations and instead do it from first principles every time.
A GUI can be thought of elevating the level of abstraction for many tasks allowing one to ignore unnecessary details, just like a biologist can explain behaviors and work with models without having to invoke particle physics, for example. With apologies to Newton, it's just another example of standing on the shoulders of giants.
As developers or managers of developers, we want everyone to be as efficient as possible and focus on the added value developers bring to the project at hand.
For example, when we switched to git some years ago, we were able to be instantly productive by installing a GUI that wrapped all the underlying git commands and provided a decent visual representation, a nice visual diff view and so forth.
Similarly, if we need to administer one of our Linux or BSD machines as well as the daemons and other background servers (file server, web server, MySQL (Maria), etc) we can use Webmin, click on the appropriate boxes, etc and I'm done. Same for firewalls - why futz with iptables and configuration files when there are tools like pfSense (yes, running on BSD machines) that significantly decrease the time and effort needed.
Sure, over the last 8 years or so on one project, once or twice, I have had to look up the appropriate git command to address a really obscure problem that the GUI tool (or an older version of such a tool) doesn't handle properly but that is extremely rare. And these days, with some of the really usable AI tools out there, fixing such problems when they occur becomes really trivial.