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Comment Re:Issue is more complicated (Score 5, Insightful) 928

You're making crude generalizations on the basis of gender. I dare say that borderline bullying isn't a healthy environment for a lot of men or women; it's immature and unprofessional and, as Sarah Sharp eloquently points out in her post, by tolerating such a culture the leaders of the community in question are prioritising the "need" for people to express themselves aggressively over other people's potential need for respectful and sensitive communication.

It's all very well to say that people need to learn not to take things personally, but the fact is that you can't possibly know - especially not over a mailing list - just what emotional or personal issues a person might be going through. Do you really a want a situation where curious and potentially talented developers are put off contributing to an important project because of a toxic culture?

Comment Re:I can't use cloudflare, connection is insecure (Score 2) 151

Cloudflare said on their wall on Facebook that they were going to leave the site up, as a means of checking how browsers deal with revoked certs: So Firefox is probably doing the right thing here. Last time I looked, Chrome didn't display any warning. Which is nice.

Comment I don't understand... (Score 1) 965

When Mac and Windows users complain that Linux doesn't work, I really don't know what they mean; my experience of late has been that I have fewer annoyances and more things just work, with little-to-no need for configuration when using Linux. (Computers in my household running a mixture of Win 7, 8 and Debian at the moment.)

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
