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Comment Re:SCOTUS overturns 9th Circuit a lot (Score 3, Informative) 53

THE 9th is the most often overturned appeals court of any, so maybe there is hope for a Supreme Court overrule.

They are 3rd on the list of most frequently overturned decisions, not first. Please do a little fact checking before you post.

Source: http://www.politifact.com/pund...

Comment Re:Structurally Deficient (Score 1) 243

Structurally Deficient in the context of the National Bridge Inventory (NBI), which this report is based on, is well-defined federally, not by states. It means that the bridge is rated 4 or less for its Deck, Superstructure, or Substructure (or if a culvert, Culvert rating is 4 or less) or if its Structural Evaluation or Waterway Adequacy is 2 or less. The structural evaluation is generally just the lower of the Deck, Superstructure and Substructure ratings (or culvert rating), with some guidance involving average daily traffic and Inventory Rating.

TLDR: Feds define criteria for SD, not states.

Comment Re:propaganda headline (Score 1) 243

Actually, I'm fairly familiar with the data here. Structurally Deficient in essence means a bridge that is in poor condition in either it's deck, superstructure or substructure. Bridges that do not meet current standards (e.g., not being wide enough for the number of lanes they carry) are called Functionally Obsolete. The National Bridge Inventory (NBI) system allows states only 3 categories: 1) Structurally Deficient, 2) Functionally Obsolete or 0) Neither. Bridges that are both Functionally Obsolete and Structurally Deficient are coded as 1) Structurally Deficient.

I'm not sure why the group decided to confound SD and FO bridges when there really wasn't any reason too, unless they were ignorant of or confused by FHWA's system or they were trying to make the problem seem worse than it actually is. Advocate groups will advocate, after all.

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