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Comment Re:I fear... (Score 1) 641

Yep. That would be adopting it as-is, believing in its self-described universality, instead of making some reasonable delimitations, exceptions and shortcuts. Any project methodology that recommends exactly the same approach for a low-risk low-effort two person task and a multi-year bet-the-company programme is obviously in need of significant adaptation. Not being a PM myself, I have a hard time believing any of the mature ones actually make this recommendation. Even RUP backed down and clarified these things pretty well, eventually.

Comment Re:I fear... (Score 1) 641

Agreed: adopting any methodology as-is is a recipe for disaster. We've seen that in software development with e.g. RUP, which has any number of good ideas, but all to often was interpreted as an all-or-nothing deal. However, spinning your own isn't exactly trivial or fast, either. Add multiple sourcing partners to the mix, and at least starting off with a recognized common framework isn't exactly an idea in the kill-it-with-fire category. Those come later on, when we fail to consider why certain practices are recommended, and abandon common sense!

I've sighed many a times over ITIL's shortcomings, not least in the interface to software development, but am still not tempted to start over from scratch.

However you work, when ad-hoc just won't cut it any more, what is vital is partly what you describe — there's no substitute for skilled and motivated people — but also keeping track of the purpose and vision of why you try to regulate methods in a certain way. Sometimes you need to pare back the methodology to the bare bones, but at other times, you need to pull out all the stops and impose every single control. I believe the word for that is 'leadership'... which is a commodity in critical short supply in most organizations, alas.

Comment Re:I fear... (Score 2) 641

Is that still around? I thought when the recession hit most companies realised that one of the first things you should cut is pointless money and time wasting bureaucratic process and just hire people who know what they're on about and have real actual common sense whilst firing those that don't.

Nope. In organizations with more hundreds or thousands of IT people and thousands of systems (not to mention dozens of countries and a handful of sourcing agreements on top), you're gonna need some process to control change and coordinate responsibilities. I'm not saying ITIL is pretty, or should be fully implemented everywhere (perhaps not even anywhere), but doing everything ad hoc, when you can't simply shout at each other across the office, is much, much worse.

Comment Violating copyright in order to enforce it (Score 2) 467

Any publishers using this technique had better have iron-clad contracts with their authors permitting arbitrary alterations to their works. Otherwise, they are in clear violation of the authors' moral rights to protection against distortion and mutilation of their original work.

It's eerily reiminscent of the 'We had to incinerate the village in order to protect it' military communique.

Anybody know if standard boilerplate agrements from the major publishers actually sign away the authors' moral rights against deliberate mutilations (as opposed to inadvertent proofing errors)?

Comment Re:Is Greece even a proper country? (Score -1) 230

I'd considered asking you what constitutes a 'real' as opposed to 'pseudo-' nation, but then I realized you might answer. Pray tell, are you sure it isn't the lizard people using chemtrails to convince the Greek population of the existence of global warming? I'm having trouble distinguishing between all the nutty conspiracy theories these days.

Comment Re:Oil and nuclear are separate markets (Score 1) 319

"Irrelevant" implies being unnecessary. Last time I looked, taxis and shared cars were still, y'know, actually, cars. If you mean that privately owned cars are unnecessary, you still haven't provided any real arguments for your thesis, only that something else might possibly substitute.

By the way, grammar is good for you!

Comment Re:Why don't businesses get it? (Score 2) 318

Err... *yes it it*. It's *communication*. Ie it's a passing of information from one person to another, so both people need to understand and agree on the meaning of the words used! (ok, so this particular case the words who and whom are similar enough to be guessed, but if they were very different and the other person didn't understand the obscure & pointless word you used, it's your fault for using it)

What a sad world it would be if language were solely about communicating clear, distinct meanings.

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