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Comment Re:anybody have per-capita #'s? (Score 1) 228

Location / % of population fully vaccinated / 28 day cases / 28 day deaths / / POP / Density

Pakistan / 10.6 / 102174 / 2291 / 0.0224225341084816 / 220892340 / 287

India / 13.5 / 1025067 / 10879 / 0.0106129648110806 / 1380004385 / 464

Indonesia / 15.9 / 269917 / 18541 / 0.06869148664219 / 273523615 / 151

Philippines / 16.3 / 506516 / 5119 / 0.0101062947666016 / 109581078 / 368

Thailand / 19 / 451386 / 6480 / 0.0143557841847111 / 69799978 / 137

Russia / 27.8 / 519122 / 21618 / 0.0416433901857367 / 145934462 / 9

Mexico / 31.8 / 389984 / 19444 / 0.0498584557315172 / 128932753 / 66

Brazil / 35.8 / 576713 / 16935 / 0.0293646926634218 / 212559417 / 25

South Korea / 40.9 / 49122 / 281 / 0.005720451121697 / 51269185 / 527

Argentina / 41.7 / 126151 / 4317 / 0.0342208940079746 / 45195774 / 17

Turkey / 50.2 / 600438 / 6966 / 0.0116015308824558 / 84339067 / 110

Saudi Arabia / 50.5 / 6700 / 191 / 0.0285074626865672 / 34813871 / 16

Japan / 52.8 / 451680 / 1466 / 0.00324566064470422 / 126476461 / 347

United States / 54.7 / 4323121 / 41720 / 0.00965043541459978 / 331002651 / 36

Germany / 62.8 / 270166 / 894 / 0.00330907664176839 / 83783942 / 240

France / 63.9 / 395791 / 3158 / 0.00797895859178203 / 65273511 / 119

Italy / 64.8 / 161275 / 1521 / 0.00943109595411564 / 60461826 / 206

United Kingdom / 66.3 / 960850 / 3398 / 0.00353645209970339 / 67886011 / 281

Canada / 69.7 / 99723 / 594 / 0.00595649950362504 / 37742154 / 4

Spain / 75.8 / 176691 / 2766 / 0.0156544475949539 / 46754778 / 94

Comment Re:Too late :( (Score 2) 130

Reminds me of visiting Key West, Florida and going out on a diving boat. All those dead, white coral heads. Thank pollution, treasure hunters for it. Yeah, Humans - the animal that fouls its nest for fun and profit.

actually most of that reef is dead because of the overuse by tourists who have no idea why they shouldn't stand and kick the reefs. There are live reefs around there but not that any of the tourist boats will take tourists to. even the ones that aren't totally bleached still have problems, but the tourist trap ones are totally destroyed.

Comment Re:Political Theater - You can't trust these guys! (Score 1) 920

you don't get to be where those people are without skeletons in the closet. If you have skeletons in the closet someone else has leverage on you. if someone else has leverage on you, first it's do one small bad thing and then its do more bad things or I'll tell about the first ones.

Thus, You don't get to be a politician without being corrupt.

I like Ron Paul. But he is a LIAR.

Simply because Politicians = LIAR.

NO exceptions.

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