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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:So long and thanks  *Wednesday October 12, 2011 @05:56PM  1
   attached to Company to Send DBA into Space
Re:Hey, worked for Napster  *Tuesday August 30, 2011 @11:00AM  1
   attached to The Pirate Bay Founders Go Legit With BayFiles
Re:Switching from Google  *Friday August 12, 2011 @09:24AM 1 1
Switching from Google  *Friday August 12, 2011 @09:06AM 6 1
   attached to Why Google Needs Firefox
Re:In other news...  *Thursday August 11, 2011 @10:50AM  0
   attached to Fake Names On Social Networks, a Fake Problem
Re:Don't sign it  *Friday July 08, 2011 @09:47AM 3 1
   attached to RIAA Math: Sell 1 Million Albums, Still Owe $500k
Re:five years for 10 viewings?  *Thursday June 02, 2011 @01:38PM  1
Re:five years for 10 viewings?  *Thursday June 02, 2011 @11:11AM 2 1
   attached to Embed a Video, Go To Jail?
Re:Almost Thursday  *Wednesday May 25, 2011 @03:46PM  1
Re:Intergalactic Towel Day Ambassador for Earth.  *Wednesday May 25, 2011 @03:44PM  1
   attached to Happy Towel Day!
Re:Depends on Funding  *Wednesday May 25, 2011 @03:42PM  2
   attached to The world will end ...
Re:Macs will be a closed platform in the end  *Thursday May 05, 2011 @10:26AM  1
   attached to Apple To Distribute OS X Lion via the Mac App Store
Re:Well...  *Monday March 14, 2011 @07:18PM  1
Re:Well...  *Monday March 14, 2011 @03:30PM 2 1
   attached to NASA Worker Falls To His Death On Launch Pad
Too little power.  *Thursday March 10, 2011 @01:18PM  1
   attached to DIY Laser Pistol Shoot 1MW Blasts
Re:Who wants to update??  *Monday November 02, 2009 @11:37PM  1
Re:Who wants to update??  *Monday November 02, 2009 @11:35PM  1
   attached to Mac OS X 10.6.2 Will Block Atom Processors
thats a lot of spare cash..  *Saturday February 28, 2009 @12:04PM 1 2, Insightful
   attached to Facebook Vs. Spammers, Round Two
DUH  *Wednesday January 28, 2009 @01:09AM  1
   attached to Windows 7 To Come In Multiple Versions
Re:Minty Fresh!  *Friday January 16, 2009 @04:12PM  1
Minty Fresh!  *Friday January 16, 2009 @01:04PM 1 1
   attached to The Secret Lives of Ubuntu and Debian Users
Re:FIRST vs. First  *Sunday January 04, 2009 @03:15AM 1 4, Interesting
   attached to FIRST Robotics Competition Announced
Re:Apple Blacklisted  *Monday December 22, 2008 @12:32PM 1 1
   attached to Will People Really Boycott Apple Over DRM?
Re:Not a deal breaker...  *Wednesday November 19, 2008 @08:18PM  1
   attached to Apple's New MacBooks Have Built-In Copy Protection

Statistics are no substitute for judgement. -- Henry Clay
