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Submission + - Splunk CTO says cyber defence will be "the space race of our generation" (

davidmwilliams writes: Speaking about what's on his roadmap for the future of Splunk, the CTO Snehal Antani said there is a disparity in the cost of cyber attacks vs. the cost for cyber defence. He says what's needed to bring down the cost of defence is collaboration between the public sector, academia and private industry. He says this collaboration on cyber defence will be the space race for this generation.

Submission + - IBM announces new global research development lab (

davidmwilliams writes: Today Prime Minister Julia Gillard and IBM Australia and New Zealand Managing Director Glen Boreham announced a new global research and development lab to be based at the University of Victoria, creating 150 jobs and tackling Australian national concerns. The controversial Labor Government's National Broadband Network has been cited as a major drawcard.

Submission + - Linux wall warts small on size, big on possibiliti (

davidmwilliams writes: Every geek and technology lover will undoubtedly have stumbled across online adverts for tiny headless Linux-powered devices that are barely larger than the power point they plug into. What can you actually do with them? Plenty, it seems!

Comment The story is not based on fact. (Score 2, Informative) 406

There are many good reasons for open source voting system but this story by the Daily Kos is a beat up, and is based solely on the lack of technical ability by the person making the claims. I've actually downloaded the database, restored it successfully in SQL Server 2008 and examined it and there really is no basis to this story. That doesn't mean I support Sequoia, that doesn't mean I support closed voting systems, just merely in this particular instance the story is not based on fact. Here's how to restore it and what you'll find:

Submission + - Open source not welcome at Palm App Catalog says N (

davidmwilliams writes: "It appears Palm are seeking to follow Appleâ(TM)s footsteps in gaining a reputation for inconsistent and spurious rejections and removals of iPhone and iPod Touch applications. In this case, Palm have resisted including a free application because the source code is attainable elsewhere."
Linux Business

Submission + - He's a Mac, he's a PC, but we're Linux! (

davidmwilliams writes: "Earlier this year the Linux Foundation launched a competition for budding writers, film makers and just general Linux enthusiasts to make their own grassroots advertisement to compete with Apple's highly-successful "I'm a Mac" series of adverts. The winner has now been announced."

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If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
