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Comment Re: The first casualty of war (Score 1) 73

Yes. Yes they are. I actually monitor both (and consider Al Jazeera to be the least biased). CNN is probably a little more unsubstantiated froth-at-the-mouth bullshit than RT but both full with obvious spin and bullshit. You are reading propaganda without even a hint that it is spin. Itâ(TM)d be worthwhile stopping and thinking. All American mainstream media that I watch is uncritical and full of propaganda to one extent or another. And yes, of course Russian media is. But youâ(TM)re an idiot if you think youâ(TM)re getting facts.

Comment Re: The end of it? (Score 1) 245

Why ask me what the random combination is? Did I mention zinc? Step outside, calm down and take a breath. Your idea that itâ(TM)s all about redefining things is silly. Science is all about testing things, deciding what doesnâ(TM)t Work, and move on. It is not wrong to look at drug combinations. Thatâ(TM)s done all the time. I take a couple of pills, one which depends on another, and that other does nothing much on its own. I do remember zinc being suggested early on in connection with that malaria drug so it makes sense to test. If it doesnâ(TM)t pan out - cool. Science takes a step. Although itâ(TM)s important to look back occasionally. Thatâ(TM)s how we got stainless steel. But in this context - expecting you meant epidemiologist wasnâ(TM)t that ridiculous. But then, this is the Internet. Sensitive unthinking assholes are everywhere.

Comment 5-10 more years before the next launch date (Score 1) 198

Itâ(TM)ll be another 5-10 more years before the next launch date. I donâ(TM)t expect to see IPv6 as anything more than a novelty in the next decade. Maybe when we get to the year of Linux on the desktop we can have a more concerted effort to use it. Iâ(TM)m actually more surprised that we donâ(TM)t see more bad actors utilising this as a protocol as itâ(TM)s on by default and no one much is monitoring it, as no one much is using it.

Disney+ Launches in India For $20 a Year, Includes Shows From HBO, Showtime, and Live TV Channels ( 12

Disney+ has arrived in India through Hotstar, a popular on-demand video streamer the giant conglomerate picked up as part of the Fox deal. From a report: To court users in India, the largest open entertainment market in Asia, Disney is charging users 1,499 Indian rupees (about $19.5) for a year, the most affordable plan in any of the more than a dozen markets where Disney+ is currently available. Subscribers of the revamped streaming service, now called Disney+ Hotstar, will get access to Disney Originals in English as well as several local languages, live sporting events, dozens of TV channels, and thousands of movies and shows, including some sourced from HBO, Showtime, ABC and Fox that maintain syndication partnerships with the Indian streaming service. It also maintains partnership with Hooq -- at least for now. Unlike Disney+'s offering in the U.S. and other markets, in India, the service does not support 4K and streams content at nearly a tenth of their bitrate.

Comment Re:Only a small piece of the puzzle (Score 2) 213

Not only do we (NZ) not have such regulation - our law explicitly excludes recognition of the validity of anything designed to prevent something playing in NZ. IE if the DRM stops you playing something here - there's no reason to fear anything if you bypass the DRM to play it (providing the "it" was legitimately obtained)

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