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Comment Re:No cross device sync (Score 1) 28

Passkeys are NOT inherently tied to a single device. They can be backed up and restored on other devices (including multiple devices at once). Apple handle them this way. It's just that Microsoft's current implementation is lacklustre. As their implementation matures, MS will eventually add sync too. From an end user perspective, Passkeys should work in a similar way to password managers. The only difference with Passkeys is that the "passwords" (private keys) are not chosen by (or even visible to) the end users. Passkeys are also resistant to phishing, as the OS will only authenticate with the original issuing service.

Comment Re:Good for Apple (Score 1) 94

Why the hate for PWAs? PWAs are a great way to publish apps to users, especially if you've already got a responsive website that works well in small screen formats. I've developed a number of business apps that are PWA based that do QR code scanning, and it's great to not be tied into any particular framework. With one code base, you can have an app that works as a website, and also "installs" and runs (as far as end users are concerned) as an app on iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, and any other platform that supports PWAs.

Comment Re:Amusing (Score 5, Insightful) 88

They can and they should ban crypto trading on the stock markets. This will prevent investors and pension funds etc from becoming exposed. They can also ban payment processors from dealing with crypto exchanges, and prevent banks from setting up merchant bank accounts with them.

Comment Putin's worst nightmare is a 2nd Belarus uprising (Score 1) 153

Putin's worst nightmare is another uprising in Belarus. Nobody wants to live under the boot of a puppet dictator, and they've clearly had enough of Lukashenko after the last set of rigged elections resulted in mass protests. Deplorably, Putin was allowed to send in tanks to Belarus to terrorise people into submission and trample on human rights in 2020. The people of Belarus don't want war, dictators, or Russian manipulation. It's just a tiny few in power that are betraying their own people, and condemning them to tyranny and hardship. The people in Belarus who are doing all they can to frustrate Putin's vile plans are absolute heroes.

Comment Sounds like a living hell (Score 1) 134

Imagine waking up, and you can't see or hear or feel any sensation. All you're aware of is your thoughts. Then you remember the last thing you did was to use the brain scanning device...then it dawns on you where you are. After what seems like an eternity of only your own thoughts for company, panic sets in as the researcher (maybe the real you!) in the real world begins experimenting with sending you input...

Comment Waymo's way ahead of the game (Score 2) 215

Waymo has a fully autonomous self driving taxi service which is open to the public in central Phoenix right now. It's actually been a reality for over a year, yet nobody seems to be talking about it. Check out this dude's experiences with the service:

Comment Ubiquitous wireless power (Score 1) 357

If we ever figure out how to link two points via micro-wormholes and send energy through them, ubiquitous wireless power would make a massive difference to the world. Imagine never having to worry about your phone losing charge. Electric cars would have essentially unlimited range (wear and tear permitting). If we could utilise the same tech for data transmission as well that would be a nice bonus!

Comment Owning and insuring a vehicle will be unnecessary (Score 1) 389

I predict that owning a car will soon become a thing of the past, and we won't have to worry about paying insurance and all the other costs associated with owning a vehicle. We'll end up with mass rental pools of vehicles, which are owned, maintained, insured, refueled, etc by the rental company. We'll simply summon a ride using an app, and minutes later the nearest car will pick you up, take you directly to where you want to go, then it'll zoom off and service the next customer (or back to the depo to refuel/recharge).

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