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Comment It depends on what you're trying to protect (Score 3, Interesting) 212

So far, I see lots of advice about VM breakouts and network isolation. If this were a production datacenter where uptime was a criteria, this is all well and good. I suspect that this isn't what you need to hear, however.

I see three things you could be attempting to protect:

1) The larger school network.
2) The VM host infrastructure.
3) The VMs themselves.

1) A student on a VM is no more dangerous to the network than one who can connect to the school wireless with a laptop or smartphone. If the lab uplinks to the same network as the broader access, your risk profile is unchanged.

2) Make sure the VMs can't route to the host and keep it patched. If a student managed to break out of a VM in a patched hosting environment, do some forensics and find the bug then sell it. It's probably worth more than you make in a year. Seriously, if they can do this, they deserve to win. You might as well worry about protecting against nation-state sponsored attacks.

3) Make sure that the class work is backed up (a git server, perhaps) and then don't worry about it. Seriously, just throw the VMs away after each class (or every night, etc) and start with a clean one the next time they log in. Don't spend time trying to outsmart a classroom full of bored highschoolers. Instead, make it so it doesn't matter when they break something.

Comment Re:XSRF (Score 1) 115

Exactly. I'm over security for part of a fairly major website and our customers are starting to get after us for not disallowing iframes of our site.

Any authenticated site should be doing this -- it's only a couple of lines of Javascript to reasonably cover your bases.

Why aren't you? Is there some sort of crazy business blocker?

Comment Re:Security cookbook? (Score 1) 409

Even is the attacker has root on the web application box, they shouldn't automatically get raw table access to the database backend (assuming that the database is on the back-end, and not on the same box as the web server). You should be using execute-only permissions on stored procedures to validate passwords in the DB, not performing a comparison on the application server.

I know it's bad form to link to oneself, but I have a reasonably thorough explanation here:

Operating Systems

Sony Refuses To Sanction PS3 "Other OS" Refunds 396

Stoobalou writes "Sony says that it has no intention of reimbursing retailers if they offer users partial refunds for fat PS3s. Last week, the first PS3 user successfully secured a partial refund from Amazon UK as compensation for the removal of the ability to run Linux on the console. The user quoted European law in order to persuade the online retailer that the goods he had bought in good faith were no longer fit for his purposes because of the enforcement of firmware update 3.21, which meant that users who chose to keep the Other OS functionality would lose the ability to play the latest games or connect to the PlayStation Network."

Owners Smash iPhones To Get Upgrades, Says Insurance Company 406

markass530 writes "An iPhone insurance carrier says that four in six claims are suspicious, and is worse when a new model appears on the market. 'Supercover Insurance is alleging that many iPhone owners are deliberately smashing their devices and filing false claims in order to upgrade to the latest model. The gadget insurance company told Sky News Sunday that it saw a 50-percent rise in claims during the month Apple launched the latest version, the iPhone 3GS.'"

Why the First Cowboy To Draw Always Gets Shot 398

cremeglace writes "Have you ever noticed that the first cowboy to draw his gun in a Hollywood Western is invariably the one to get shot? Nobel-winning physicist Niels Bohr did, once arranging mock duels to test the validity of this cinematic curiosity. Researchers have now confirmed that people indeed move faster if they are reacting, rather than acting first."
First Person Shooters (Games)

Code Review of Doom For the iPhone 161

Developer Fabien Sanglard has written a code review for id Software's iPhone port of Doom. It's an interesting look into how the original 1993 game (which he also reviewed to understand its rendering process) was adapted to a modern platform. "Just like Wolfenstein 3D, Doom was rendering a screenframe pixel per pixel. The only way to do this on iPhone with an acceptable framerate would be to use CoreSurface/CoreSurface.h framework. But it is unfortunately restricted and using it would prevent distribution on the AppStore. The only solution is to use OpenGL, but this comes with a few challenges: Doom was faking 3D with a 2D map. OpenGL needs real 3D vertices. More than 3D vertices, OpenGL needs data to be sent as triangles (among other things because they are easy to rasterize). But Doom sectors were made of arbitrary forms. Doom 1993's perspective was also faked, it was actually closer to an orthogonal projection than a perspective projection. Doom was using VGA palette indexing to perform special effect (red for damage, silver for invulnerable...)."

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