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Comment Re:Now... whose backdoor was used for salt typhoon (Score -1) 43

It's not about security, it's about banning the competition. The American oligarchy is terrified of China because a strong China means that the US government will no longer able to bully the entire world and engage in economic terrorism by sanctioning any country that doesn't allow American corporations to exploit it.

Comment Re:5-20 years... (Score 1) 94

He won't get anywhere near that amount.

This is a common mistake that news outlets make. They look at the statute for each charge where it says the person shall be punished for a term not to exceed X years and then say that person faces X years in prison. What they don't ever read or mention is the sentencing guidelines which the judge generally has to follow unless there is a justifiable reason to depart from them

Comment Re:Valve is wrong (Score 1) 93

AMD is hooking into the games Win32 API calls and intercepting them. Of course, it's going to trip up anti-cheat because those systems are literally designed to prevent external programs from tampering with the game in that manner. That's why NVIDIA's solution, Reflex, actually requires the game developer themselves to implement support.

Comment Re:Windows Driver model is broken (Score 2) 93

The majority of the driver is Ring 3. The only part that is Ring 0 is the miniport. That's why NVidia drivers can be updated without a reboot (AMD is too lazy to make their code properly re-entrant).

It's not going to be the driver itself that is hooking the DLLs, it'll be some non-driver related process that is bundled with the driver, similar to the Geforce Experience stuff.

Comment Re:These are not even "large" expenses (Score 3, Interesting) 134

Workers have been gaining too much power thanks to the pandemic. Capitalism depends on the reserve armor of labour in order to keep workers under control, knowing that they can be replaced at any time. The tech sector needs to increase the unemployment rate so that they can regain control over the remaining employees.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 1, Insightful) 320

NPR is, at best, center-right. They constantly bothsided for Trump and allowed his minions to get away with outright lying on air in order to appear "neutral". Pretending that a bullshit argument isn't bullshit isn't being neutral; the job of a journalist is to call out the bullshit and if one side bullshits more than the other, that means you end up calling out one side more. That isn't because you are biased; it's because one side is making worse arguments. By trying to pretend that both sides were making equally strong arguments, NPR merely enabled Trump and his fascist booklickers. It wasn't until his minions tried to overthrow the government that they finally used the L-word (lie) in regards to Trump.

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I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
