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Comment I live in Scotland and I've seen this kind of stat (Score 5, Informative) 151

First off, as another commentor said, it isn't that we are producing only renewable energy. It's that we are producing enough renewable energy to meet the electricity needs (in terms of quantity) of people in Scotland. But it's important to remember that Scotland has 1) a very low population density compared to the rest of Europe, and 2) a lot of wind and renewable energy potential, again more than the average European country. For those who aren't up on their Scottish history, the Highlands and western islands were cleared of many of their people in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This is called the Clearances. Still has the effects of a relatively empty landscape (in terms of human population) in the northern part of the country. "Highland Clearances, the forced eviction of inhabitants of the Highlands and western islands of Scotland, beginning in the mid-to-late 18th century and continuing intermittently into the mid-19th century. The removals cleared the land of people primarily to allow for the introduction of sheep pastoralism. The Highland Clearances resulted in the destruction of the traditional clan society and began a pattern of rural depopulation and emigration from Scotland." Source: While I'm happy that there is renewable energy happening in Scotland, much of it has to do with historical and geographical accident than progressive nature of Scotland's policies.

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