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Comment So to do this right... (Score 1) 385

No racial stat adjustments. So you can not even box gnome into any biology (about 3 feet tall weighing 40 to 45 pounds) because that means race determines stats unless you want to deny science in this game? Elves are thin and tall genetically...says who I guess? Anyone be can be anything so there is no meaning to race except a history you invent...which can be anything!

Comment Unintentional consequences (Score 1) 385

If all the âoeracesâ (they are different species) all are all equally vanilla (can be anything) then there really is no reason to pick being a gnome over an orc. Again remember now each can have any backstory and have no racial stat adjustments. Tiny gnome can beat up a hulking (but weak) orc in this brave new world. Species do not have biology anymore in fantasy worlds. Right.

Comment Re: 250 smart people call for reduced crime (Score 1) 483

50% of USA is not behind racist cops brutalizing people. It is obscenely general statements like that which is part of the core problem. Trying to solve a complex problem with an ignorant statement like most cops are racist thugs is as bad as saying most black people are criminal thugs.

Comment Defund makes it worse?! (Score 1) 483

How is reducing police budgets going to reduce police brutality? Seems to me with less budget you are going to have less but more overworked cops (crime levels are not dropping!) who are going to be more on edge and brutal! *Increase* funding and standards to be a cop, more training and pysc evals more often, so only the very best have that job and any small screw up means they are fired instantly. Unless the argument is let crime increase some?

Comment Re: Ambiguous phrase. (Score 1) 483

How is reducing police budgets going to reduce police brutality? Seems to me with less budget you are going to have less but more overworked cops who are going to be more on edge and brutal! Increase funding and standards to be a cop, more training and pysc evals more often, so only the very best have that job.

Comment Why is it so hard... (Score 1) 483

for people to propose specific ideas that could actually be implemented instead of feel good slogans and then nothing gets done. Reduce all police departments budget by 20%? Fire all police over age of 40? These are things you could actually do. Stop racism...okay how? Same problem with calls for gun control...what does that mean specifically and debate that!

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