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Comment Re:What's the message? (Score 2) 414

Yeah, if I remember right, at some point deep inside pi, there is a message primer. It establishes that there is a message to get your attention. Then you begin to decode it, like you said. The trippy part of that is that the message is embedded into the very fabric of the universe through math.

Comment Re:Security is an embarassment (Score 1) 606

Great point, and who's to say that most intelligence agencies don't already have all this information? I think the people Wikileaks will be upsetting by this isn't the USA, but the nations that thought they were going to be able to use the information as a bargaining chip but now can not, because it's out in the open.

On the other hand, perhaps nations that already had this information couldn't act on it, because that would expose they had spies in certain places, but now they are free to publicly act out in defiance.

Comment The system clearly isn't working. (Score 5, Insightful) 764

Look at those dollar amounts. First trial: $220,000 Second: $1.92 million Third: $54,000 Fourth: $1.5 million

Something about the shear inconsistency of the outcomes tells me how broken this system of courts truly is. It's not based on anything real. It's based on appearances, fuzzy opinions, manipulated interpretations, etc. This woman shared some music over the internet, and they want to financially crucify her. $54,000 thousand would take a lot of people a long time to pay off, let alone $1.5 million. That amount would effectively end her financial life.

Comment Re:Outer Space Treaty (Score 1) 301

There's an easy solution. Take an unflagged pirate ship (no national flag, of course it will have a jolly roger) into international waters, and launch the satellite on a rocket from said ship. Or....launch the rocket from Antarctica. That way, the rocket/satellite wasn't launched from "Country X".

Comment This doesn't make sense at all. (Score 3, Insightful) 154

When the Government asks Google for information about a user, how is that "censorship"? It may be a violation of privacy, but it's not censorship unless Google admits that the government then used that information about the user to censor their online activities. Of course, I did not RTFA. I prefer to censor myself ;P

Comment Not the worst ever... (Score 4, Funny) 157

In 1983, a high school kid named David Lightman hacked his way into DOD computer @ Norad called the W.O.P.R. which almost resulted in an all out nuclear war between the U.S.A. and Russia. I believe they made a movie about it.

So until I hear a story that tops that, keep your "worst ever" superlatives to yourself. Oh, wait...

Comment Re:Accountability (Score 2, Insightful) 1018

And if said software screws up and costs a few hundred million, or otherwise causes other "bad things" to happen, what's the accountability of the programmer or the manager?

Nothing. CEO's wreck companies/cause damages all the time, and all that happens to them, personally/financially is NOTHING. Maybe they get fired and then receive a nice golden parachute. Why should it be any different for the programmers who are the architects of the entire groundwork allowing the company to exist in the first place?

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