"Although Sam's Club no longer sells "The Brick Bible," the book is still available through a number of online retailers."
This sentence from TFA might give people the wrong impression that Sam's Club is the sole, omnipotent Super-Mega shop in the United States. I'm glad to know that I can still get my suggestive Lego books from any one of a couple thousand other retailers.
Kind of ironic that Wal-Mart (a corporation that often makes sales arguments based on religious overtones) would be willing to censor a book that is a direct interpretation of religious literature. I shutter to think what their reaction will be if someone decides to ink an uncensored graphic novel based on the Bible...
Google wants to help others make money (and make a little themselves) with one of their projects?
Forget Google search, I'm going with BING instead. Microsoft would never do this!
I'm waiting for Operation OMGWTFBBQ myself... Oh My, Government Wikileaks Task Force Better Be Quick!
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith