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Comment Good, I for one welcome my robot HR overlords (Score 1) 256

So, I wouldn't have to deal with inefficient human process and pointless discussions with under-qualified interviewers to get through the initial round of evaluation? Good. That's a waste of time for everyone involved as long as the job descriptions are well structured and the AI is smart enough to match me with the right position. I have no problem with taking people out of the initial stages of the recruiting process...there is the potential to be far more efficient and less time-consuming for both sides. Ultimately, I want to talk to the people I will be working directly with, but screening interviews with HR tend to be mostly robotic anyways.

Comment And also password recovery questions... (Score 1) 75

While we are at it, can we discuss the inanity of most password recovery questions?
- What is your favorite movie?
- What is your favorite song?
- What is the first name of your best friend?
Might as well be "What time is it when you set your password recovery question?" or "What will you have for lunch next week?"

If you are going to have password recovery questions (which is a bad idea in general...use two-factor auth instead), then at least make the values immutable so we can actually remember them.

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