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Comment Re:How about just not having voice acting? (Score 3, Funny) 251

What is the problem with reading the sub-titles on the screen? I remember silent film characters "sounding" a lot better in my head before voice acting started. This is especially relevant for the teletubbies. I guess I don't mind in an action movie if the characters are voice acted so that it doesn't tear you away from the action but for the teletubbies and slower programs I'd much prefer to just read the script.

Comment Re:The cynical... (Score 1) 454

I completely agree with your point, but I think your first sentence might be biting the troll(/dumb cunt). It sounds like you're now the underdog trying to get back in power... not giving you shit.. ok .. I'm actually agreeing with your point. I'm Australian and have also noticed the trend with American sitcoms etc with the dopey husbands i.e. everyone loves raymond, and that king of queens guy, and it's a bit dumb. Even going back to 'Home improvement' that was the same shit. (Also the Simpsons, I'm sure there are further previous examples too)

There's good intentions... I see it similar to 'affirmative action', which I think is a good thing that most people don't really understand, either that or I've got my own idea of it. The way I see it is the scales need to be tipped way over to the other side for a little while to balance other things out overall (not be even atm!). This doesn't make things fair at the moment, it's about long term change, most people miss this point, they see it as some set rule forever which misses the point.

But anyway, back on topic from the little I know about American law it's time to treat men a little bit better in the family court. From the little I know that I've read so far, the American laws are quite fucking ridiculous. Things such a wife ending up with great benefits for divorcing (this I've read from actual cases). The fact that it's as acceptable to display on another sitcom such as 2.5 men with the bitchy wife is fucking ridiculous. Alimony? Paying for her own personal shit, wtf??

I also agree with your final point, I think it does confuse 'the kids' a bit. I think both sexes should definitely be treated equally, but the default bagging given to chaps does create problems for some people. The sexes deserve equal rights, but there's no need to pretend that out personalities are the same and we should divide jobs 50/50. I'm yet to meet a good female in IT and male in nursing. Doesn't mean they don't exist, but we have natural predispositions to certain areas based on millions of years of evolution.

Luckily us allies it's are unliely to get invaded by land in an old skool style war (at the moment), cause we're getting really fucking soft compared toto 'the others'.

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