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Comment Lots of weird BTC hate here.... (Score 1) 81

... BTC was invented as a response to our obviously corrupt and broken financial system. The creator specifically cited the bank bailouts of 2008 as WHY he created BTC.

Now all these haters are jumping in saying BTC is bad for the planet, Musk is a scammer, etc..

I'm very wary of Musk and his intentions. I am particularly concerned about Starlink and his self-driving patents. This is real bond villain level global grid control stuff and terrifying.

But if the FED and the US gov wasn't so blatantly corrupt and unreliable, there wouldn't even BE a BTC.

So let's actually address the REAL villains here: Disastrous US monetary policy, corruption between regulators and big banks and other megacorporations, and our penalizing of whistleblowers at every stop. Not BTC, or even Musk, lover him or hate him.

Comment This will be used to increase surveillance. (Score 0) 288

They will claim it is necessary to have all kinds of cameras pointed at the driver in order to ensure that there is someone in the driver's seat.

Thus completing the surveillance state while you are in your own vehicle.

"If we don't put cameras in the cabin, how will we know someone isn't spoofing the driver seat occupancy?!?!"

Nanny State fascists are too predictable.

Comment Bill Gates is a genocidal psychopath. Always was. (Score 1, Insightful) 236

His insane and unscrupulous crippling of the entire technology sector for decades was just the beginning.

It's very depressing how SlashDot went from being a Sysadmin news site with real news about the really bad actors running corporate technology companies to a New World Order disinformation portal glorifying psychopaths like Bill Gates.

This guy is garbage. Everything he touches is garbage. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation basically owns the WHO and CDC now, and guess what? Those organizations are total garbage now. Remember when they told us at the beginning of Covid that 13% of the population might die? Well, it turns out it's more like .03%: Same as the common cold.

Bill Gates is a genocidal sociopath. Always has been. If you're unaware of that: You have been propagandized by collusion of giant corporations and government. Successfully. And that's sad. And you should start being a lot more skeptical of any media sources you are being exposed to.

This guy single-handedly crippled the technology industry with monopolistic and illegal tactics (for which he was successfully sued in many jurisdictions all over the world), and once he got caught red-handed opened a "philanthropic" foundation to continue his monopolistic anti-human policies in a different industry (health care). Now he's raking in trillions on "vaccines" and other medical procedures that have cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and the media says, "Hey! Look at this hero saving the world!"

It's disgusting, and makes me embarrassed about how pathetically easy it is to successfully brainwash our species.

Comment Clearly Slashdot is not well-educated on Crypto (Score 1) 123

Reading through these comments is incredibly stupid. And some of the comments in the article were incredibly stupid too.

One word: Scarcity. There will only ever be 21 Million BTC. That's a very rare commodity on a planet with 7+ Billion humans.

The volume arguments would make sense if we were experiencing the consumer fomo from 2017. But we're not.

Pretty much ALL investment analysts have lost faith in governments and the stock market. We know how ludicrously inflated a lot of these numbers are, and we know how FIAT is being printed non-stop and willy-nilly and HAS been now for decades.

The interest in BTC this time is coming from giant investment firms, banks, traders, and other investment professionals looking for a hedge. Because everything else is a bubble ready to pop: Real estate, stocks, fiat, bonds.... All of these traditional investments are set to implode. Anybody who has watched the market for more than a decade is well aware of that. When will it implode? Very hard to tell. But Covid isn't making it likely to happen later rather than sooner.

The other aspect of BTC that everybody seems to be getting very wrong is HOW MUCH has been lost already. In the early days people would put thousands of BTC on a flash drive, and just lose the flash drive and laugh because it was only $10 worth of BTC.

I'm a seasoned crypto veteran who has been working in the industry for almost a decade now, and I have my own stories of misplacing a private key, sending to a wrong address, and other things that have eaten away at some of my profits. Now imagine non-tech-savvy investors trying to play with BTC and recognize that that probably constitutes the vast majority (90+%?) of investors.

Duh. There is a LOT of BTC that will never show up again.

Which means it is MUCH scarcer than only 21 million to be divided by 7 billion. Probably more like 10 or 11 million to be divided by 7 billion. Rounding those numbers and splitting the BTC between every person on the planet would mean each person gets about .003 of a bitcoin. Which is why people say if you have .28 BTC you will be in the top 1% of the wealthiest people in the world within 10 years, and I agree, but think that number will probably be closer to .028.

Now, there are a few big issues that could slow BTC's roll:

Another crypto supplanting it (highly likely imho)
Government making it illegal (highly likely)
Quantum Cryptography breaking the existing protocol (probably solvable)
Government Crypto supplanting it (highly likely)
Population Decline (somewhat likely)

So it is likely that BTC will not "moon" as quickly as some of it's fans suggest. But I think it WILL moon, unless it is supplanted by a better crypto with better privacy, speed, etc.. (PIVX? some other superior tech?).

At any rate, betting against BTC is a provably foolish exercise in stupidity, and the comments here on slashdot show that this is either overrun with government/corporate shills, or that our "community" is woefully ignorant of basic math and economics.

Comment Imma Let you Finish: LFTR (Score 1) 325

But LFTR would be orders of magnitude cheaper than everything if we were building modular mass-produced reactors.

And completely safe.

And we would have infinite free clean water.

But sure, let's keep virtue signaling and fracking. Why not. I'm sure the slave labor chinese panels will have no downside for the global economy.

Comment Debian Devs can Pound Sand (Score 1) 236

The same Debian devs who took the systemd poison pill after Ian mysteriously died leading to gross performance issues across the board in the server room I was managing at the time?

Linus should have been meaner. These people are garbage. Debian has gone WAY down hill since Debian 7, and it's affecting the entire Linux space. Good job Microsoft moles.

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