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Comment They get stuck quite a lot (Score 2) 43

I work in Foster City so I see the Johnny Cabs and the camera-bedecked SUVs on the road a lot. Multiple times seen the automatons stuck at junctions, sometimes less than half a mile a way from Zoox HQ, where they should know the road. That might partly be due to the SUV "trainers" who seem to be abysmally bad drivers (weaving and cutting lanes). I always give them a wide berth. I would not trust my family in those things.

Comment Abbott Does It Again! (Score 1) 384

Pharmacyclics (the developers of ibrutinib/Imbrivica) is actually now owned by Abbvie, which is the pharmaceutical company spun off from Abbott Laboratories. Abbott achieved fame in 2003 when it increased the cost of their HIV medication, Norvir, 5-fold when it found that doctors were combining the smaller pill size version with other drugs. This is just history repeating itself.

Comment Is this really necessary? - already available (Score 1) 81

There are already very nice versions of the text. I have the Green Lion Press version (less than $20 new). If you want absolutely everything, the Dover Books 3 volume set is near-definitive and cheap (and available as eBook). The text has been around for centuries so adding colour doesn't help that much. The publisher's efforts could be better spent on other worthwhile tasks.

Comment Cliff Stoll's slide rule (Score 1) 220

I still have an old supermarket-purchased slide rule from my days at school (I was schooled at the juncture between slide rules/log tables and pocket calculators). After reading Cliff Stoll's article (http://www.uvm.edu/~pdodds/files/papers/others/2006/stoll2006a.pdf) I treated myself to a Faber-Castell 2/83N and I have to agree that it is *beautiful*. On my desk at work I keep its miniature cousin, a 62/83N prominently displayed.

Comment Airport/Railway departure/arrival board (Score 1) 790

At the NY MOMA exhibit (sadly static) I saw dozens of people explaining to their kids how the boards updated with a clacka-clacka-clacka. I could see the nostlagia in their eyes. For some reason the kids didn't see the connection between this and the airport monitors typically displaying the "Windows has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted" dialogue.

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