'Smart' UPS'es from various vendors properly attached to a server or network SNMP trap will tell you when its batteries are going bad (opr the telltale signs of the same). I think you guys need to step up from the $99 Costco UPS'es into something a little more reliable. Home consumer grade electronics have NO place in a commercial environment really (they can be pressed into service in a pinch).
yes but the lto tape and drives are expensive compared to 2tb sata drives. I'm guessing he doesnt have much of a budget, for if he did a 4 or 8 tape lto libray with attached to a san fabirc and striping to the tapes would be a good solution.
"...because a large percentage of firmware updates actually brick the hardware or cause other unforeseen consequences..."
I'd love to see the statistical data to back up this claim.
I've been playing wow on a fairly regular basis for a number of years now and always on a PVP server.
I've found that the majority of what you would call 'world pvp' is really just cyber-bullying. As I level new toons through the game, I find that the people who chose to engage me in PVP are players of significantly higher level than I. I can count on one hand the number of times a player of roughly equivalent level to me engaged me in what one would call a 'fair fight'. The VAST majority of PVP incidents I have experienced have been where my lowly level 20 gets 'ganked' by a level 80. Often, the level 80's are working in groups and attacking low level towns for long periods of time, effectively bullying the lower level toons populating the area. Well equipped level 80's of the same faction often come to help the low level toons drive off he bullies, but its usually a case of too little too late.
Battlegrounds and Arenas are popular as they make for a relatively 'fair' PVP fight and this much more enjoyable.
Linux does something very similar to SuperFetch from the sounds of it - I have no experience with, nor do I want to run Windows 7. I believe Linux has been doing this since 2.2 or 2.4 kernel came out.
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen