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The Internet

The Chinese (Web Servers) Are Coming 231

Glyn Moody writes "The February 2009 Netcraft survey is not the usual 'Apache continues to trounce Microsoft IIS' story: there's a new entrant — from China. 'This majority of this month's growth is down to the appearance of 20 million Chinese sites served by QZHTTP. This web server is used by QQ to serve millions of Qzone sites beneath the domain.' What exactly is this QZHTTP, and what does it all mean for the world of Web servers?"

Comment require a bit of human intuition (Score 1) 183

Forums and blogs are susceptible to post spam because most are large opensource or commercial scripts. The fact that there are thousands identical scripts makes them a prime target to spammers. The trick to prevent forum spam is to confuse the spam bots. Most all bots will fail to register a user if given something unexpected. For forums I administer, I wrote a vbulletin mod that requires a bit of human intuition to solve (not much mind you) such as have a text input field that must remain blank. This simple measure has prevented nearly 99% of forum post spam.

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