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Comment Re:So it's come to this. . . (Score 1) 430

OK geniuses, Foxconn is a Taiwanese company, operating manufacturing plants in China, Malaysia, India, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, Japan, and soon the US.

Not only does he not know the meaning of the term "communist", he does not know which country Foxconn is from, or has plants in, or much of anything.

Which is likely why the US is one of the last places they are willing to manufacture stuff. Too many assholes and idiots here.

Comment baloney (Score 1) 99

This sure sounds like baloney to me. Think about it ... do they not have all kinds of data logging software on these things? Why would the DoD need to be monitoring keystrokes, when they surely have better information available via data logs?

This is simply an attempt to raise uncertainty about the incompetence of our digital security.

Comment soooo ... wifi makes me smarter? (Score 1) 287

And all those fears about the national stoopidification by TV appear groundless now. With almost a century of wireless RF broadcasting pretty much every where, we went to the Moon, developed antibiotics, and decoded the human genome!

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go stick my head in the microwave for a quick topping-off and then tackle the Sunday crossword puzzle!

Comment Similar to Y2K? (Score 2) 279

This strikes me as a task comparable to the Y2K crisis, which was handled well enough that the vast majority of the sheeple believe it to have been a scam, a tremendous waste of time, money, and urgency that was all for naught.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The major differences between this and the Y2K crisis is that the politically-dominated government, and not profit-minded enterprises, is responsible for dealing with the problem. And so we are likely to see government gridlock drive us straight into a collapse of the system that would have been paying out a huge chunk of the spending money to just about the largest demographic group in the country -- those age 60-something-and-over, with the resultant impact on the economy triggering an economic crisis that will be truly stupendous to behold.

Consider the alternative: an economy that is strapped for reasonable-paying jobs, hires a bunch of the near-retiring or retired boomer coders, delaying their retirements and generating additional cash flows into the economy. We get a smooth transition to a SS system (hardware and software) that is capable up supporting the huge demographic bubble of the boomers, that also happens to lessen the impact of an abrupt boomer retirement. This covers more than mere coders, as the planning and logistics and setup of a number of fault-tolerant fail-over capable data centers employs a lot more than just coders and analysts.

And Obama says he can't find any "shovel-ready" jobs.

Comment I see nothing practical here ... (Score 1) 56

... as the simple plastic strips used by diabetics to monitor their blood glucose levels daily runs about a dollar per strip, and provides only an accuracy of roughly plus-or-minus 20%. And that's using a meter that they give away, the profits are so great on the plastic strips.

Given that the machinery to process this "disposable plastic cartridge" is going to be fairly costly, the per-use charge seems likely to be expensive enough to preclude use of this as a coarse diagnostic filter, which would seem to be its greatest usefulness.


Publishers Want a Slice of Used Game Market 664

grigory writes "GameStop's business model depends on a healthy flow of used games: incredibly '[GameStop] enjoys a 48 percent profit margin on used games.' Game publishers do not see a cut of the secondary sale because it falls under the first sale doctrine. Now, some publishers and manufacturers want a piece of the pie. 'One marketing executive, who did not want to be identified for fear of angering GameStop and other retailers, said the used game sale market is still depriving publishers of money because it gives consumers an all-too-easy alternative to buying a new game.' Interesting picture of companies fighting for your business, and (surprise!) complaining about being left out of the money stream."

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