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Comment Re:Should rename it Home Box Office (Score 1) 49

Exactly, that's what I thought too. I don't understand why they would do that, it doesn't really make sense. It's not like their reputation is bad or something, so the name change is really unnecessary. Everyone knows what HBO is, but with the new name, I don't think everyone's going to recognise it. I suppose most people will still call it HBO tho.

Comment Re:I still don't understand why people want this (Score 1) 45

I agree with you, I don't really get it either. I understand there are situations in which you need something right now, but those situations don't happen very often. I never understood why some people pay extra every time they order something, and then when it arrives, they don't even open the package for a couple days. I know a few people who do that and I think it's such a waste of money.

Comment Re:Two simple questions (Score 2) 71

That's what I thought too. I personally don't know anyone who posts anything on Facebook. I guess it's mostly older people. But whoever posts anything, I don't think they feel completely safe doing it. Everyone knows you're not anonymous on the internet. At least I suppose most people do.

Comment Re:Sample Size (Score 1) 124

45 years is approximately 0.00000001184210526 of 3.8 billion years.

Why are so many people compelled to find excuses to dismiss this stuff? We don't care about dinosaurs getting heat stroke. What matters to *us* is whether *we* are going to be able to work and play outdoors when it's 105f.

yes, that's what I thought too. It doesn't really matter to us how it was in the past. What we should care about the most, is our lives right now, and how it will be in the future, because that's what actually matters right now.

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