Comment Haleakala, Not Mauna Kea (Score 1) 14
1) The University of Hawaii owns outright the 19 acre Haleakala Observatory land. So, unlike the lease of state land it holds for the 12000 acre Mauna Kea observatory reserve, it doesn't have to put up with as much crap from the rest of the state government, never mind Hawaiian sovereignty activists.
2) The term is "Ceded Lands", in that land formally held by the Hawaiian sovereign was ceded first to the Republic, then Territory, and finally State of Hawaii to be held in trust for the people of Hawaii.
The University *did* ask permission from the state government, and got it. Various ethnic Hawaiian groups want the summit of Mauna Kea completely cleared of telescopes, and will continue to hassle the governor, legislature, and state court about it until they achieve their goal. My gut feeling is that the various elected officials and judges don't give a rat's okole about the activists, but since the anti-telescope activists are constituents like any other resident, they are obligated to at least let the fight play out in the court of public opinion.