Comment I have to agree with war4peace... (Score 1) 854
I like games with good replay ability. I find games that make you tunnel through their single path through storyline a pain-in-the-you-know-where, and quickly dump them with rapidity of poison. And goes for a lot of games.
For me, If I wanted to do something difficult, I'd just stay at work. And I'm not there to do that, I want to play and fun. And thats means do whatever the heck I want without having to deal with stupid annoying constraints - like puzzles, linear storylines if you don't do X right now your screwed or any such silliness.
Now, as for why the games seem to be getting easier?
1) Well, Maybe it's that your getting Jaded, and have the been there done that syndrome of game play. Meaning the developers are introducing anything new to the game, and you've got into the reflexive A happens, do B without thinking.
2) Perhaps companies push to get games out the door quickly is leading to less due diligence in writing good games. We've got box stores, box house, box-like clothing, why not games that cheaply regraphiced copies of cheap old code? (Oh wait a minute, We've already got that, it's Madden football.)
or my personal favorite reason ~
3) Maybe it's always been a crummy game and it's taken you this long to notice it!