Valid opinion. However if you say this in Germany, you are a Nazi. There are many reasons, but one esp. is that the NPD doesnt want foreigners esp. from arabic countrys in Germany. Generally, you canont discuss rationally anything related to cultural or social problems betwheen Germans and certain foreign people like the Arabs. This comes because after the war we where all evil, so to say: "Hitler killed the Jews, that was wrong, but we have seen our mistake and NOW we are tolerant to everybody". Ideas of Multiculturalism emerged, negating pretty much all real problems bethween different cultures, wich of course always exists. Whoever spoke about problems with other nations is a Nazi. The NPD of course might have some resonable policies, but on the other hand many extremist people are in there. If you are a member of the NPD in Germany, you are target of public hate and harassment. It's some kind of ritual. If you are maybe a public person, and would say something slightly reasonable about the NPD, or would refuse to take part in a donation or petition "Against Right", as there are many, you would be excluded from public life and humiliated. Just to give you an idea.
My view is, that of course there are more then enough crackpots in the NPD, and I wonder why they dont realize they cant't win, but this kind of public hysteria and open hate towards them is also not healthy.