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Comment I quite like the challenge (Score 1) 360

I might be in the minority, but I've learned to love the challenge of taming a beast of a code base.

Coming in and helping out people who don't have *anything* in place and slowly adding order has a satisfaction level all of its own.

Building out a test suite as we document business logic and then planning a refactoring can be rewarding too!

Comment Re:Easyway (Score 1) 237

If it takes you weeks to read 224 pages, I think you have bigger problems than smoking. 4-6 hours tops. And that's if you slow down to reread a chapter because you don't believe how simple it is. Heh. If that shot cost $20, I'd be all over it, but my guess is we're talking several hundred dollars minimum. And it only has a 50% success rate - as opposed to 90% for easyway. 3.5 yrs since my last smoke. Worked well for me, and 4 friends who wanted to quit also stopped on reading it too, with one failure - so 83% success rate in my peer group.

Comment Re:So what's new? (Score 1) 775

When you win (the U.S. Presidency), you go into this smoky room with the 12 industrialist, capitalist scumfucks that got you in there, and this little screen comes down... and it's a shot of the JFK assassination from an angle you've never seen before, which looks suspiciously like the grassy knoll, and then the screen comes up and the lights go on, and they ask the new president "any questions?" – Bill Hicks

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