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Comment Re:Dumb (Score 1) 119

Most likely the Ad is a static image with a link. Users will be really annoyed if it is a video clip. When the user selects pause, instead of the static frame, an Ad (static image with a link) may be displayed. When the user returns to start the show, he is going to notice the Ad, most likely they are going to ignore and continue the show. If the Ad is really interesting, the user may be able to click on the Ad and order something.

Comment Ban discriminatory AI models for general use (Score 0) 225

AI Models trained with biased data could lead to discriminations. AI could discriminate based on race, gender and other factors if those factors are used in training the models. We don't want such AI models to be used in college admission screening, airport screening, job screening... that could negatively affect minorities

Comment Cross platform framework makes sense in some cases (Score 1) 63

If you are developing an application that doesn't use lot of platform specific features, then it makes sense to go with a cross platform framework. Just don't try to build your own cross platform framework.

Comment Custom Linux Distribution (Score 4, Interesting) 220

Kernel doesn't mean OS, so when they say new OS, they could mean a new Linux kernel based distribution. Developing custom OS based on a custom kernel is not an easy task. Imagine porting all the applications they need to this custom kernel. The best option will be to develop a new Linux based OS distribution where they control the software package repository by verifying the source code any backdoor or security issues.

Submission + - Group Seeks Investigation of Deep Packet Inspection Use by ISPs

wiredmikey writes: European Digital Rights (EDRi), together with 45 NGOs, academics and companies across 15 countries, has sent an open letter to European policymakers and regulators, warning about widespread and potentially growing use of deep packet inspection (DPI) by internet service providers (ISPs). DPI is far more than is required by the ISP to perform its basic purpose, and by its nature privacy invasive, and not strictly legal within the EU. Nevertheless, many are concerned that its practice and use within Europe is growing, and that "some telecom regulators appear to be pushing for the legalization of DPI technology." One of the drivers appears to be the growing use of 'zero-rating' by mobile operators. "A mapping of zero-rating offers in Europe conducted by EDRi member identified 186 telecom services which potentially make use of DPI technology," writes (PDF) EDRi.

Comment In long term, performance/power will decide (Score 2) 230

Most of the web applications these days are developed using frameworks/languages that are cross platform (like node.js, .net core, java..). With these frameworks and app containers, it doesn't really matter what OS or hardware is running it. Server farms will move to a more efficient way to manage their server loads. I think performance/power and performance/price will be critical in deciding who wins. You can't rule out ARM right now.

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