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Star Wars Prequels

New 'Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi' Animated Series Begins Streaming on Disney+ ( 33

The animated series "Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi" premiered this week on Disney+, witih all six 15-minute episodes released on Wednesday.

CNN calls it a slick and well-produced "kind of super-service for the Star Wars faithful, rekindling old flames, and comfortably submerging them in the past." But they also add that animation "has also become a vehicle for greater experimentation, as witnessed in the Star Wars: Visions anime shorts that premiered last year." It's hardly a surprise that this latest addition to the mythology comes courtesy of producer Dave Filoni, who oversaw such series as The Clone Wars and Rebels before throwing his fertile mind for all things Star Wars into The Mandalorian and other live-action fare. Filoni wrote five of the six shorts, which are split between Ahsoka Tano (again voiced by Ashley Eckstein), soon to be featured in her own live-action spinoff; and Count Dooku (played in the movies by Christopher Lee, and voiced by Corey Burton).

Beyond a glimpse of a baby Ahsoka (just in time for holiday gift-giving, kids), in an episode that illustrates her home planet and its warrior streak, the episodes leap around in time. That includes additional insights into Dooku and his abandonment of the Jedi order to embrace the dark side and Darth Sidious (Ian McDiarmid). The anthology format creates the opportunity to drop in at different inflection points scattered across the "Star Wars" timeline.

"Fans will likely be particularly intrigued by some of the gradations surrounding Ahsoka, her relationship to Anakin Skywalker and the aftermath of the Clone Wars," the article teases...

Comment Re:I have a feeling requirements will be relaxed (Score 1) 289

The laptop I am writing this on has TPM2.0, but the cpu is only sixth gen, so should not be able to work with 11, according to the PC health check thingie. However, as it was running the latest Insider Preview version on the 24th of June, I was offered the upgrade yesterday via the standard Windows Update channel. Guess what, I have approximately zero problems... The laptop even has secure boot disabled (as it boots NetBSD-current and some four other Linux systems on bare metal), but this was not a problem either.

On 11 release I will probably have to downgrade to 10, no big deal.

Comment Re:Big picture includes various factors (Score 1) 155

That's true - it didn't work for me either as an image under VirtualBox (hangs after the message about not having kvm support) and after an installation under VMware Player 14. The installation process was buggy anyway with numerous python errors displayed; upon reboot after enabling EFI it output four lines and hung.

Needless to say, any traces of Clear Linux were obliterated from my laptop.

Comment Re:the ultimate test (Score 1) 317

It is exactly the same. Anyway, in Powershell:

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TestVariable", "Test value.", "Machine")

to set it,

to get it and

to get rid if it.

To see all environment variables just run

dir env:

But yes, *that* form is still not resizeable, I also do not like it.

Comment Re:This does pose the question: (Score 4, Interesting) 195

USB3 support in FreeBSD 10 is OK (bunch of external disks used for PC backup - speed was essential). No problem with hot-plug either. Ports upgrade is trivial (although I have switched to pkg-ng now). I really can't find why do you think that security updates are difficult either. I've got only one 9.2 system around which I at the moment am not bothered to upgrade.

Comment Hyper-V integration (Score 1) 143

In case anyone here cares, Hyper-V support has been imported in HEAD - see . I managed earlier today to build a kernel with it and do a number of performance tests - it looks good.
This is not present in the 10-Alpha CD yet by default, you have to get the latest source with svn, add ''driver hyperv" to the GENERIC and build it; I'd switch to labelled fstab entries before installing and rebooting it, though. Swap the 'de' with 'hn' network adapter etc.

Comment Excession (Score 1) 150

Meet you by the excession, but what matters, please first consider playing some games, using some state of the art weapons and learning to play properly the hydrogen sonata inversions, looking windward on the surface detail.


Motorola's First Intel-Based Handset Launches In UK 64

New submitter lookatmyhorse writes "As promised, Google's Motorola unit has released its first Intel-powered smartphone. The Razr i is based on a mid-range model sold in the U.S. that features an ARM-based Snapdragon processor. Motorola said the change of chip meant improved camera performance. However, it has also meant Google's Chrome browser is not installed on the device. Intel recently cut its sales forecasts citing weaker demand. Although it dominates PC chip sales, it is a niche player in the smart device sector. The handset is Motorola's first to feature an Intel processor; its existing smartphone partners — ZTE, Lenovo, Lava, and Gigabyte — are all relatively minor smartphone forces in Western markets. So, Intel's tie-up with Google — which also makes the Android system — is widely seen as its most significant effort to crack the market to date. The handset will be offered in the UK, France, Germany and Latin America."

Color Printing Reaches Its Ultimate Resolution 140

ananyo writes "The highest possible resolution images — about 100,000 dots per inch — have been achieved, and in full-colour, with a printing method that uses tiny pillars a few tens of nanometres tall. The method could be used to print tiny watermarks or secret messages for security purposes, and to make high-density data-storage discs. Each pixel in these ultra-resolution images is made up of four nanoscale posts capped with silver and gold nanodisks. By varying the diameters of the structures (which are tens of nanometres) and the spaces between them, it's possible to control what colour of light they reflect. As a proof of principle, researchers printed a 50×50-micrometre version of the 'Lena' test image, a richly coloured portrait of a woman that is commonly used as a printing standard (abstract). Even under the best microscope, optical images have an ultimate resolution limit, and this method hits it."

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