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Bacterial DVD Holds 50TB 268

CAMags writes to tell us that a Harvard Professor is claiming to have developed a new variant of a protein called bacteriorhodopsin (bR) that, when layered on a DVD, can store up to 50TB of data. From the article: "The light-activated protein is found in the membrane of a salt marsh microbe Halobacterium salinarum and is also known as bacteriorhodopsin (bR). It captures and stores sunlight to convert it to chemical energy. When light shines on bR, it is converted to a series of intermediate molecules each with a unique shape and color before returning to its 'ground state.'"

Comment actual TiVo users know... (Score 2, Insightful) 521

Only people who do not own TiVo would say this. It is exactly the smart recording features (such as searching for keywords in description, recording all new showings of a program, record all appearances of an actor, or director, or writer...) that are so valuable. TiVo is definitely NOT just a digital VCR! And those who have ever used a VCR to time shift can attest that it is a pain. Anyway, just a note that only the ignorant would claim the features are not of value. As far as deleting the auto-recorded programs, they get deleted automatically if you run out of space (easily upgraded) and request a show to record. These shows stay happily out of your way until you are bored and want to see if there is anything good on. This just increases your chances that the answer will be yes.

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