"No, Biden should be standing trial. If he hadn't stolen the election, none of this would have happened. And yes, Biden very likely did steal the election, or at least, someone stole it for him. Consider the following:
* Joe Biden's Twitter account had 20 million followers.
Trump's Twitter account had 88.8 million followers.
* Joe Biden's Facebook account had 7.78 million followers.
Trump's Facebook account had 34.72 million followers.
How likely is it that a person with four to five times the following of his rival lost the election?
* Joe Biden, declared by the biased presstitutes to be president by landslide, gave a Thanksgiving Day message. Only 1,000 people watched his live statement. Where is the enthusiasm?
* Trump's campaign appearances were heavily attended while Biden's were avoided. Somehow a candidate who could not draw supporters to his campaign appearances won the presidency?
* Biden won despite underperforming Hillary Clinton's 2016 vote in every urban US county, but outperformed Clinton in Democrat-controlled Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Philadelphia, the precise cities where the most obvious and most blatant electoral fraud was committed.
* Biden won despite receiving a record low Democrat primary votes, compared to Trump's share of Republican primary votes"
Simple Dipshit. Biden has support from people you won't find on Twitter, Facebook and the like.