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Comment Re:An enemy with a $500 Shoulder-launched missile. (Score 0) 133

"Only if the enemy knows when and where it will be, with enough advanced notice to set up his rocket-launcher at an appropriate location before the rocket has landed. I would think one potential advantage of a rocket over a plane is that its increased speed makes it harder to anticipate in advance."

You're an idoit. If you can eyeball it, you can blow it up with a rocket-launcher,rpg or anti-tank weapon and there are tons of those hand-held devices running around today.

Comment Re:Why didn't Android's camera do this from day 1? (Score 0) 54

"I wondered this for a long time too. Turns out its because Google effectively abandoned (because of course they fucking did) the stock android camera app a long time ago. They shifted all of their support to the Pixel specific camera app which of course only works on Pixel phones. So everyone else is left out in the cold to either use a camera app from the 2000's or if they are big enough life Samsung, to just develop their own. This leads people to downloading dedicated apps to gain functionality that you would otherwise expect the stock apps to have built in. If you are a Samsung or Apple customer you would never notice this.

For people who do want the expected AR functionality of a modern camera app on a generic Android device you can use Google's Lens app. It replaces (the unsurprisingly defunct) Google Goggles."

Or just use a *REAL* camera, most of which are smaller,easier to hold and use and take far better pictures than the shitty,overpriced cell/smartphones currently on the market.

Comment Re:Attack on Section 230: (Score 0) 259

"This is actually seriously disturbing to me. It shows that the Democans, as well as the Republicrats, are all united in rescinding section 230 and instating liability for user-posted content."
BS. If you lay with feral dogs and cats don't be surprised if you find yourself infested with,fleas,ticks,tapeworms and other such vermin.

Have a nice life.

Comment Re:I was hoping that Taiwan would step up (Score 0) 63

"I was hoping for more products made in Taiwan with all the bans of Chinese-made goods, but now with Biden and all his backdoor deals with China it's unlikely to happen. China is gearing up to wipe Taiwan from the earth and Biden will probably help them do it. Hunter will probably be a general in their army."
Funny, I don't recall seeing Chinese Soliders storming the U.S. Capital.

In Fact,the people who did looked a lot like Trump-Supporting Assholes like *YOU*

Comment Re: explain (Score -1, Troll) 584

"No, Biden should be standing trial. If he hadn't stolen the election, none of this would have happened. And yes, Biden very likely did steal the election, or at least, someone stole it for him. Consider the following:

* Joe Biden's Twitter account had 20 million followers.
Trump's Twitter account had 88.8 million followers.

* Joe Biden's Facebook account had 7.78 million followers.
Trump's Facebook account had 34.72 million followers.

How likely is it that a person with four to five times the following of his rival lost the election?

* Joe Biden, declared by the biased presstitutes to be president by landslide, gave a Thanksgiving Day message. Only 1,000 people watched his live statement. Where is the enthusiasm?

* Trump's campaign appearances were heavily attended while Biden's were avoided. Somehow a candidate who could not draw supporters to his campaign appearances won the presidency?

* Biden won despite underperforming Hillary Clinton's 2016 vote in every urban US county, but outperformed Clinton in Democrat-controlled Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Philadelphia, the precise cities where the most obvious and most blatant electoral fraud was committed.

* Biden won despite receiving a record low Democrat primary votes, compared to Trump's share of Republican primary votes"

Simple Dipshit. Biden has support from people you won't find on Twitter, Facebook and the like.

Comment Re:Section 230 vs Google (Score 0) 652

"If Google is selectively banning publication platforms based on their content, they're violating the spirit of Section 230. The battle over 230 has been social media sites censoring the moderate-to-far right (and sometimes far left); 230 allows you to disclaim responsibility for what's posted on your site, i.e. the content... but should that really be the case when you censor what's on your site based on that content?

If Google and Apple are now censoring apps based on their content, shouldn't they be accountable for any bias in those decisions, and legally accountable for anything they approve of that someone else can lawyer-up disapproval of?"

Nope. Google's not banning anything. They're just not offering the App on their APP Store.

There's quite a few popular android apps Goggle doesn't permit on their app store for a various number of reasons,

You have to get them from the developer's sites or alternate app stores.

Flag as Inappropriate

Comment Re:Roku got the remote right (Score 0) 84

"What Roku did right was the remote.

* RF wireless instead of IR. You don't have to point at the TV.
* Simple, just a direction pad and 6 buttons + volume on the side (Not counting the instant access buttons)

There really isn't much more to say than that. When your input device is simple, the UI has to follow. Other features recently added to the Ultra's like voice search and remote finder are just icing on the cake. I have 3 Roku's in my house, just bought one for the in-laws and they love it. Xfinity has a Roku app now, so you can ditch your cable boxes which is nice, with the added bonus of not having to run coax through the house. Also Plex, for anything I can't get on streaming services or Xfinity.

I just hope Roku keeps it simple despite their success. Would hate to see a "ROKU 9000 KAMAHAMEHA" with 30 buttons."
What you *DIDN'T* mention that is that you pretty much can't buy anything else but the these crapshit Roku-Based TV's at places like Target and Walmart department stores.

Try to find a non-smart TV that's smaller than 32 inches in any of these places like you could a few years ago.

You won't find one. And don't say the market for them
vanished for them overnight.

There are lots of people who don't have the space for these lousy 32-inch and larger TV sets.

Comment Re:Total bullshit (Score 0) 130

It's worse than that. the exhast from the thrusters are going to fry the lancher itself doing who knows how much more damage to it. then there's the mass of the rocket itself,which isn't just going to just vanish. They'll be lucky if they just bend the metal of the arm, rather than snapping it clean off.

Comment Re:Low bar (Score 0) 150

"Just as Google Play has reviews and star ratings for software, a simple motivator would be something similar for FOSS."
If you actually knew anything about Google Play which you don't,you'ld know that the reviews and star ratings are the *BIGGEST JOKES AROUND*.



Comment Re:Or, you could just... (Score 0) 230

"Does Blast+ include unlimited data ? About 10 years ago I wired my house. I've got 1G network connectivity to all the drops. I have a UNIFI managed switch in my basement that goes to my den, my hobby room, to my NAS, and a UNFI Wifi Access point. I don't want xFI crap. It won't be managed by me. My network is as secure as it can be."
Any reason why I should care?

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