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Comment Re:Assuming they escaped, the penal system worked! (Score 5, Informative) 89

You say that as if the US penal system's primary goal is to rehabilitate rather than punish. Our system is designed not to rehabilitate, rather it enacts harsh punishment as a theoretical deterrent to crime, and more recently has become a for-profit private enterprise.

Comment Re:Stick to your field (Score 2, Informative) 138

From's "Who We Are" section of the website:

Consumer Watchdog is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing an effective voice for taxpayers and consumers in an era when special interests dominate public discourse, government and politics.

Criticizing a company for getting steep discounts worth millions of dollars on jet fuel from the government and then getting a large lease from that same government seems in line with their mission.

Comment Re:football can cause brain damage (Score 1) 405

I doubt it. In all your examples, the trademark becomes part of the lexicon of the general public but the owners still retain the sole rights to sell the product under that trademark. People call all bandages Band-Aids, yet there is only one Band-Aid brand. Same goes for Hoover, and Cellophane. Now when grandpa types into Bing "where to buy an iPad" he's going to be directed towards Apple, even though he might have been thinking of the Surface tablet he saw during the Steeler's game.

Comment Could be the medium (Score 2) 605

I think writing a blog implies much less formality than a traditional paper. I graduated with a BS in 2010 and never did I write a paper with improper grammar that did not receive deductions, no matter the course or the assignment. It could also be that the students are not writing this in Word, and thus can't rely on the spelling and grammar checking functions.

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