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Comment Re:It is the most important open source project. (Score 1) 191

For what it's worth, I consider myself to be a very adept Windows user, having started on DOS, and I don't have an Admin password in Windows 7. I'm the sole user of this computer, I don't run any shady software, and I don't visit any shady websites. I haven't gotten a virus yet. In the Linux world, the security of the admin account is much more important than it is in Windows, and I don't think there's anything wrong with not setting an admin password in Windows.

Comment Re:The whole thing is silly (Score 1) 567

You're missing the point entirely. No one is forcing you to upgrade to Vista or Windows 7. No one from Microsoft is putting a gun to your head preventing you from running XP or 98. They're merely saying that if you choose to buy a new machine, you're not going to be able to get an XP license on it. If you have an XP license and want to put it on the new computer, then more power to you, but Microsoft's not going to keep updating it.

My point is this: Microsoft is being absolutely no different from any other company. Does Apple let you buy a new computer with System 7 on it? No, of course not, but that doesn't mean that if you have a Mac from the 90s, they're not going to let you use it any more. Same thing with Photoshop. Adobe doesn't care if you use an old version, but if you need to buy a new copy, you'd better believe that they'll only sell you CS4.

The point is, that if companies are using software that only runs on XP, and they have machines that are used to run that software already, then they can keep it, just as they have been. The only thing Microsoft's doing is saying that new hardware comes with their new OS, and I don't see why everyone's getting their panties in a bundle over it.

Comment Re:The whole thing is silly (Score 2, Insightful) 567

Thank you. I'm so tired of people blindly hating on Microsoft. After years and years of people accusing them of being built on outdated code, they finally try to shed the past and finally abandon XP, everyone attacks them. I just can't understand how people are bitching at Microsoft for not letting them run a decade old OS that's soon to be not supported anymore. Does anyone buy a new Mac and throw a fit when they can't get OS X 10.0 on it? No, that'd be idiotic. If you want to use your old software on your old hardware, that's fine, but to request an outdate OS on a new machine is a hassle for the manufacturer, and you should be charged as such.

Comment Re:WHAT's on second (Score 3, Funny) 368

Wait, let's try this again. Do you see the band on stage?

No I don't see The Band, that's a different group entirely.

On stage, Skippy. Look, see the band?

No I don't.

Get rid of those John Lennon glasses and look! There, there's the band!

No, that's not The Band. The Band is performing later on. Who's on stage.

Comment Re:.nnw C mgoy oaf (Score 1) 663

C jab er cy cb p.k.po.v Really, though. Dvorak isn't all that difficult when you get the hang of it. As for switching between the two, I use Dvorak for IMing and Word Processing, and QWERTY for everything else, all on the same machine, and have no trouble at all switching between the two. Yes, it sucked tremendously for the first couple weeks, and for a while I totally lost my QWERTY touch-typing ability, but in the end I've had no trouble at all making the switch.

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