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Comment Re:WHERE clause has too many AND's (Score 4, Insightful) 141

I agree with this. Agile requires strong teams and proactively followed processes. Without it, things fall back into traditional hierarchical, managerial feudalism and bullshit jobs. It's not easy.. it requires strong communities of practice and a collective desire to fix a broken environment (or prevent it from descending into chaos).

Comment PHP Async sucks (Score 2) 341

I've been coding PHP, Java and more recently JS for a while. I feel like PHP has dropped the ball when it comes to async programming compared to the others. I think that's one of the reasons why facebook forked PHP ( to make it async friendly. ReactPHP is slow compared to node, and the fastest PHP async framework, Swoole by Tencent, is still limited in what it supports. I've been trying vert.x on Java which isn't bad and not minding koa. I feel like they need to do more to support projects like ReactPHP with native extensions like Swoole.

Comment Only going to get worse (Score 1) 50

My mother-in-law was hit with this one. As her "tech support guy", I then had to reformat her PC. They're very slick in gaining people's trust. They ask them to download the software and then read all their stored passwords out to them. Not only is it the money, but it also makes people feel stupid to anyone who finds out they fell for it. It's only going to get worse - what will happen once scammers can emulate other people's voices really well? What about fake photos too? Should old people no longer have a phone?

Comment Re:Mental gymnastics (Score 1) 235

Facebook messenger asks for "wifi connection information" on android which would let them get instant access to arp cache if they wanted it. Go install landroid or something like that to see for yourself. You have to ask yourself why they are asking for that information in the first place.

Comment Re:Mental gymnastics (Score 1) 235

Apps can also access every other mac address on your network too by reading arp cache. MAC addresses contain device manufacturer identifiers. Browsers can be fingerprinted which is made even easier with JavaScript, even TCP/IP stacks can be fingerprinted. Almost everything can be fingerprinted and crosslinked or statistically analysed given enough thought. There are too many avenues for a big system to collect data on anyone if they really wanted to.

Comment Re:Who needs Google? (Score 3, Informative) 179

Yeah but to get the actual APK you can use stores that trick google into thinking it's a particular device to get the apk from google play store directly. For example, I want to play minecraft on the nvidia shield tv, but it isn't supported on play store, so I use a third party play store client to trick it into thinking it's a Nexus 9 or something compatible with the shield's processor. It's safer than trusting some dodgy apk site (I think?).

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