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Comment It's not about pot. (Score 1) 131

Leaving real farms to grow the industrial foods we all love so much (Barf). There is a nice niche market for leafy greens that are directly consumed by humans grown aeroponically. Not hydroponically. Too heavy, too bulky for the amount of nutrient solution. LED lighting and the membrane technology are the key points to built on. Check out

Comment It's not about pot. (Score 1) 131

Leaving real farms to grow the industrial foods we all love so much (Barf). There is a nice niche market for leafy greens that are directly consumed by humans grown aeroponically, not hydroponically. Hydroponics require much heavy amount of nutrient solution. The weight prevents going vertical. LED lighting and the membrane technology are the key points to built on with aeroponics. Check out

Comment Dreams for sale (Score 1) 280

Mr Musk sells hope to the hopeless at the expense of his shareholders. The folks in buffalo ny certainly are hopeful the solar business pays off. Almost as hopeful as the cuomo folks that have force feed nys funds to drag his dream machine to buffalo. Yes, these are the same folks convicted of bribery to bring business to ny state. This hope is built on what? More hope from the past, over automated car factories and exploding starships. Hope is a drug. And Elon is a dope dealer.

Comment Shortage of words (Score 1) 224

There is an interesting story behind the story. We have run out of words. It is true. In a world now run by unique Identifiers such as 32 character GUID strings. The world has just plain run out of words that can be re-purposed. Charles

Comment The Real Innovator (Score 1) 279

The real innovator in this space is . The LEDs are not as efficient as you might initially think. Although you can vary the wavelength and duty-cycle easier than incandescents. Phillips and their billions will try to capture the market, but the true technology lies with aeroponic farming and going vertical. Enjoy your leafy greens.

Thailand Cracks Down On Twitter, Facebook, Etc. 130

An anonymous reader writes "The ongoing poitical turmoil in Thailand has inspired the country's Ministry of Information, Computers, and Telecommunications to issue a stern warning that all users of the Internet in Thailand must 'use the internet in the right way or with appropriate purpose and avoid disseminating information that could create misunderstanding or instigate violent actions among the public', that 'all popular websites and social networks such as facebook, twitter, hi5 and my space [sic] will be under thorough watch,' and that 'Violators will be prosecuted by law with no compromise.' Thailand has draconian anti-lèse majesté laws which are routinely abused in order to settle political scores and silence dissent, and recently implemented a so-called 'Computer Crimes Act' which appears to be almost solely focused on thoughtcrimes and censorship, rather than dealing with, you know, actual crime. Several Web forums have recently been shut down, their operators charged because they failed to delete 'harmful posts' quickly enough to suit the Thai authorities."

Turbine Responds To DDO Community Protest 57

Zarrot writes "Turbine has listened to the community and backed away from the partnership with SuperRewards that we discussed yesterday. Quoting: 'Based on your feedback, we're stepping away from the "Offer" category for now. We'll keep exploring alternate ways for players who want points to get them. We'll also continue to innovate in pricing and accessibility because that's who we are. As of today, the Offer Wall is coming down. We'll collect all the feedback we've received over the last few days and will use it to guide future decisions.'"

Canadian Judge Orders Disclosure of Anonymous Posters 250

debrain writes "The Globe and Mail is reporting that Google and a newspaper called The Coast must disclose all information they have about the identity of individuals who posted anonymous comments online about top firefighters in Halifax. The story in question is titled 'Black firefighters file human rights complaint,' and there are some heated opinions in the comments."

World's Smallest Superconductor Discovered 72

arcticstoat writes "One of the barriers to the development of nanoscale electronics has potentially been eliminated, as scientists have discovered the world's smallest superconductor. Made up of four pairs of molecules, and measuring just 0.87nm, the superconductor could potentially be used as a nanoscale interconnect in electronic devices, but without the heat and power dissipation problems associated with standard metal conductors."

Comment AhHah! You have a smoking gun! (Score 1) 705

Let us consider that the schools in which you are talking about having this mandate is in our public school system (AKA Socialized School). Of course this mandate will never happen. It should, but it won't. I bet dollars to donunts our private schools already have made this mandate.

I can't help but think that we may be in a similar situation with health care if that becomes socialized.

How would you like having a claim turned down for a preventative gene test early in life that will be a precuror or something that helps your health success many many years from the date of the test.

Comment It's the soft stuff on the inside. (Score 1) 216

It is a common understanding that the weakest link in information security is people. Until we are able to tell what people are thinking and protect ourselves from either their malice or ignorance it will be a problem.

Education of users is clearly a fundemental pillar in information security. I am sure social engineering schemes will continue to improve in their effectiveness in exploiting vulnerabilities.

Working againist this cause is that no one will be able to concretely say that an information security program created revenue (except of security product suppliers). The only real hook that keeps executives funding security is the criminal and civil exposure they deal with. Keeping the execs out of jail is worth funding.

Comment The Big Media-of-Media Shift (Score 5, Interesting) 94

I think this is pretty big news.

It seems just like when Virgin Atlanic airlines took advantage of complacent and poorly managed (at the top) Pan Am Airlines and cherry picted talent. Look who is around now. I think we may finally be seeing the shift in media from print to web for newspapers. It is a big ship and it takes time. Industries reinvent themselves, sometimes as other companies.

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