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Comment Red or green? (Score 3, Interesting) 324

Without the red ATI logo, will they continue to use red as the brand color of their graphics products? Or, will people now be choosing between AMD green and Nvidia green? It may sound superficial (because, by definition, it is), but rival groups always seem to have different colors. It makes for a nice mental distinction when looking at their products. My only guess is that it will probably look like the "AMD Vision" logo or might even be an extension of that branding.

Comment Re:Good Point... (Score 1) 210

A piece of fine art is more than just a pretty thing to look at. Some artists' works become pieces of history. When people start forging a piece of history it is pretty bad. At it's most innocent a forger creates and sells a copy of an already existing piece of work. At it's worst, the forger creates a new work by forging the style of a respected dead artist and sells it as one of that artists newly discovered pieces. In the latter case you are altering historical records. If you don't find fault in that then there is nothing more to talk about, but I and many other people view such actions as particularly heinous. It should also be noted that there is a difference between a forgery and a reproduction of a piece of art. A good and ethical artist can make good money producing reproductions.

Comment Re:I stopped reading... (Score 1) 459

First, I am not an educator and I do not and have not claimed to have the answers to how to achieve these goals. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that these goals are the kind we should have. I like to think that we can have lofty goals with no idea how we to achieve them.

Furthermore, you have idealized the situation with the very large fallacy that you are building your argument on. That is, the assumption that people who try hard will always succeed. There are plenty of parents who try to give their child the best, but simply cannot give them the same kinds of opportunities as kids whose parents might not work nearly as hard. Sure, a lot of these children should not have been conceived in the first place, but here they are and they need help. Ignoring them only makes the problem grow.

Comment Re:I stopped reading... (Score 2, Informative) 459

You flipped his point around to fit your argument. He is not saying, "good parents should suffer to support children with bad parents or in bad situations". The point is that, "a child's future should not suffer from having bad parents or being raised in a bad situation". As a prosperous country, we (in the USA) should be giving all of our children the opportunities to excel to their potential. That is the point. I can't understand how any person, regardless of country, could disagree with that.

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