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Comment Re:Am I the only one? (Score 1) 203

I was surprised to see my email address on the list. Looking through my password manager, it looks like they have a simple password I stupidly re-used on eharmony and gigasize more than 3 years ago. (In fairness to those sites, I probably used the password elsewhere too, so they aren't necessarily the leak source.) I just hope a Russian hacker doesn't steal my soul mate on eharmony. (Unlikely?)

Cedega Being Replaced By GameTree Linux 124

An anonymous reader writes "TransGaming Cedega, the software forked from Wine that allows running Windows games under Linux, is being discontinued and replaced by GameTree Linux. This new software is also free. From the new website: 'TransGaming is pleased to announce the continued development of Cedega Technology under the GameTree Developer Program. This repositioning of the technology that powered the Cedega Gaming Service will allow the entire Linux community to gain free access going forward. Cedega is a cross-platform enablement technology that allows for Windows-native games to be executed on both the Linux desktop and embedded Linux platforms.'"
Emulation (Games)

A JavaScript Gameboy Emulator, Detailed In 8 Parts 62

Two9A writes "JavaScript has shed its image of being a limited language, tied to DOM manipulation in a browser; in recent years, new engines and frameworks have given JS a reputation as a language capable of bigger things. Mix this in with the new elements of HTML5, and you have the capacity to emulate a game console or other system, with full graphical output. This series of articles looks in detail at how an emulator is written in JavaScript, using the example of the Gameboy handheld: starting at the CPU, and (as of part 8) running a copy of Tetris."

Comment Re:Depends on what "beta" means... (Score 1) 238

Nightlies are NOT betas. These are two different things.

Beta releases are milestone releases that represent the closing of bugs. Nightlies are buggy as all hell experiments that change, well, every night.

Here are the nightlies:

Here are the betas:

The Internet

Woman's Nude Pics End Up Online After Call To Tech Support 197

Tara Fitzgerald couldn't find the nude pictures she planned on sending to her boyfriend, but instead of just taking more, she decided to see if a Dell tech support call could fix her problem. Apparently the tech support guy found them. Unfortunately, he then put them up on a site called "bitchtara."

Israel's Supreme Court Says Yes To Internet Anonymity 198

jonklinger writes "The Israeli Supreme Court ruled this week that there is no civil procedure to reveal the identity of users behind an IP address, and that until such procedure shall be legislated, all internet postings, even tortious, may remain anonymous. The 69-page decision acknowledges the right to privacy and makes internet anonymity de facto a constitutional right in Israel. Justice Rivlin noted that revealing a person behind an IP address is 'an attempt to harness, prior to a legal proceeding, the justice system and a third party in order to conduct an inquiry which will lead to the revealing of a person committing a tort so that a civil suit could be filed against him.'"

Comment Fedora Multiseat (Score 1) 460

The closest thing I can think of is Fedora's multi-seat project:

It allows one computer with multiple displays to have multiple X sessions. Unfortunately it doesn't ship with the latest release. And I don't think it supports sliding an application window from one session to another.

Comment Apache and GPL are both better than BSD (Score 1) 370

Maybe a bit OT, but BSD can create problems for a company's legal department because it is really just a template for a license. Every variation on BSD has to be vetted individually as a new license. If you use MIT or Apache instead it's much simpler for the lawyers. MIT in particular seems to be the least suspicious to lawyer types. (I think they recognize the name.) The GPL is probably not as well understood as it should be, but once the lawyers have encountered it, they don't have to repeat their work again.

Comment Repairs don't make sense (Score 1) 581

The problem is that the economics of computer repairs don't make sense. It costs money to diagnose the problem. It costs money for the labour. It costs money for the parts. Those costs add up really fast. If your computer dies and you don't know how to diagnose or fix it yourself why take it in for repair if it's out of warranty? Why spend nearly the cost of a new computer to fix something that's probably three years old anyway. Buy a new one and get the store techie to see if he can add your old hard drive as a secondary. Same price, better result. So where's the incentive for stores to keep a well trained repair team? It's the same with everything. When was the last time you brought a t.v. to a t.v. repairman? Either the warranty covers taking it back or you put it at the curb. People just don't get things fixed anymore.

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