I have a Kindle and love it; my husband has a Sony and loves it. I can read HTML files but not RTF; he can read RTF but not HTML. He can read the ePub format, I can read the Mobi format. We both read books without DRM most of the time, but I have a few azw files from Amazon, and they can never take them away from me. You see, I download all my purchased books to my computer. I keep them in the Calibre library, where I can sort by author, series, and genre. I also can convert formats in Calibre. The good thing is that Calibre keeps the original format, so if I convert a plain text file to mobi for my Kindle it can be converted again to LRF/epub for my husband. Usually I convert RTF files to mobi, and HTML files to epub. I also leave Whispernet off when I am not downloading a book from Amazon. No reason to have it on otherwise; if I want to surf the Internet I have better devices.
We will both be looking at iPads when they appear in stores. I am doubtful that one could replace my Kindle; e-ink is incredibly easy on the (somewhat aged) eyes. But I see other uses for the iPad for which I cannot use my Kindle.
It doesn't need to squash his free speech rights to be effective. Who votes for the funding the University receives annually from the state? The veiled threat here is that allowing Dawkins to speak will lead to reduced funding.
All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.