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Comment High-density energy source requirements (Score 1) 580

This is a necessary technology for powering devices (not cars - given the conversion/efficiency/pollution costs) that need portable and dense energy sources - such as planes and ships (fast movers - since robotic sail freighters can work off of solar/wind). The idea that we could replace current fossil fuel usage with hydrocarbon-based fuels from sustainable energy sources is possible but rather idiotic. Conversion losses would be significant and would only perpetuate a system that was only possible due to our amazing bounty of fossil fuels.

ALL of our energy comes from solar (fossil fuels, wind, solar energy), radioactive isotopes or in some cases gravity-based (geothermal - though you could consider this solar since the sun is the largest gravity sink affecting us). Of course, we need to convert it from the original source to something that is fit for purpose. Hydrocarbon-based fuels are fit for purpose for high-density energy needs. If we come up with better high-density energy sources, we'll no longer need to convert some of our wind/solar/geo/tidal/... to hydrocarbon-based fuels.

BTW - wouldn't it be amazing if we could price our energy usage based on total cost (e.g. environmental, without government subsidies, military support needs, oil-financed terrorist activity/response, long-term health,...). I wonder how many dollars/gallon gas would cost taking that into account ($10, $15, $20).

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