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Comment Holy design problem, Batman! (Score 0, Troll) 404

Problem after problem was traced back to the use of global variables. Over time I'd eliminated a lot of them, but there's a lot left. It's hard to change how a function works if there's a back channel of globals passing state around. Globals break encapsulation, making code difficult to understand.

Sounds like it's time to refactor some code there Walt.

Comment Re:Amiga 1000... (Score 3, Informative) 166

Assuming that "multiple in-memory screens" would be covered by this patent, Amiga 1000 did in fact have this in 1985. I did some checking to be sure, and it appears that not only were multiple workspaces supported, but each workspace could even have a different resolution and color depth. It also appears to have supported dragging items from one workspace to another.

Submission + - Stem cells change man's DNA (mainetoday.com)

An anonymous reader writes: After receiving umbilical cord stem cells to replace bone marrow as treatment for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Greg Graves temporarily had three different sets of DNA. Eventually, one of the two sets of cells transplanted into his bone marrow took root, leaving him different DNA in his blood from the rest of his body: 'If you were to do a DNA test of my blood and one from my skin, they'd be different,' Graves said. 'It's a pretty wild thing.'

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