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This explains it  *Saturday January 27, 2018 @01:45PM  3
   attached to Amateur Astronomer Discovers Long-Dead NASA Satellite Has Come Back To Life
Re:Holy shit  *Thursday March 30, 2017 @08:10PM 1 2
   attached to Comcast Launches Contract-Free Xfinity Prepaid Internet Service
Re: Lesson 1  *Thursday March 30, 2017 @08:22PM 1 2
   attached to Ivanka Trump To Take Coding Class With 5-Year-Old Daughter
Re:Security expert?  *Sunday January 22, 2017 @09:10AM  2
   attached to Geek Avenges Stolen Laptop By Remotely Accessing Thief's Facebook Account
Re:In this economy?  *Thursday January 12, 2017 @08:43PM 1 3
Cassette sales up 140%  *Thursday January 12, 2017 @08:34PM  2
   attached to Cassettes Are Back, and Booming
Re: Wikipeed hates Net Neutrality!  *Monday January 02, 2017 @09:21PM  2
   attached to Wikipedia Announces Their Most Viewed Articles Of 2016
Re:The human fund  *Saturday December 10, 2016 @07:51PM  2
   attached to Alphabet Donated Its Employees' Holiday Gifts To Charity
And in other news  *Friday November 18, 2016 @05:15AM  2
   attached to Stephen Hawking: We Might Have 1,000 Years Left on Earth
How long did Comey say it would take?  *Tuesday November 08, 2016 @04:39AM  2
   attached to Edward Snowden Kills Team Trump's Conspiracy Theory By Explaining How The FBI Can Quickly Comb Through Email
Monster cable satisfaction  *Friday October 21, 2016 @08:01AM  2
   attached to Higher-End Smartphones Make You Happier, Says JD Power Study
Re:Ignores the issue  *Friday October 21, 2016 @08:27AM  2
   attached to How Hackers Broke Into John Podesta and Colin Powell's Gmail Accounts
Re:Philip K. who?  *Friday October 07, 2016 @08:31AM  2
Do androids dream of electric sheep?  *Friday October 07, 2016 @02:09AM 1 2
   attached to Upcoming Blade Runner Sequel Gets a Title: Blade Runner 2049
Re:"people"?!  *Sunday October 02, 2016 @09:08AM  2
   attached to Netflix Goes Down, People Freak Out and Discover Real Life
Re:Why wait until now?  *Thursday September 29, 2016 @09:10PM 2 5, Informative
Re:Obama....  *Thursday September 29, 2016 @08:52PM 1 2
   attached to Four States Sue To Stop Internet Transition
Call centers have stricter rules  *Wednesday September 28, 2016 @12:53PM 3 4, Interesting
   attached to Across US, Police Officers Abuse Confidential Databases
Re:no "Russian Hackers", that's B.S.  *Wednesday September 28, 2016 @01:13PM 1 2
   attached to FBI Investigating Possible Hack of Democratic Party Staffer Cell Phones
Re:You mean parallel construction  *Tuesday September 06, 2016 @11:26AM  2
HIPPA protection  *Tuesday September 06, 2016 @11:11AM 1 2
Better solution...  *Tuesday September 06, 2016 @11:03AM 4 2
   attached to Meet URL, the USB Porn-Sniffing Dog
Re: Not possible  *Sunday August 28, 2016 @11:02PM  2
Re: Not possible  *Sunday August 28, 2016 @10:52PM  2
   attached to BitTorrent Cases Filed By Malibu Media Will Proceed, Rules Judge

The use of money is all the advantage there is to having money. -- B. Franklin
