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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Prescription lenses...  *Thursday January 02, 2014 @04:18PM 1 5, Funny
   attached to Coming Soon: Prescription Lenses For Google Glass
Re:source?  *Monday September 03, 2007 @01:18PM 1 2
   attached to Why Are So Many Nerds Libertarians?
Re:everything was better back then, right?  *Friday January 20, 2006 @01:53PM  2
Re:Big Brother  *Friday January 20, 2006 @12:27AM 10 5, Interesting
   attached to DoJ search requests: Yahoo, AOL, MSN said "Yes"
Re:Differentiating on price  *Monday February 09, 2004 @03:30PM  3, Interesting
   attached to Ask Indian Techies About 'Onshore Insourcing'
Re:Not just the Mhz ramp: hyperthreading/SMT  *Thursday November 14, 2002 @11:03PM 1 2
   attached to Intel Releases "Fastest Chip Ever"
Re:Great Idea for Mars, but maybe not Europa  *Monday November 11, 2002 @02:54PM  3, Funny
   attached to Robotic Inchworm Drill for Mars, Europa
Re:Back to the 70s  *Tuesday September 17, 2002 @08:05PM  2
Re:Back to the 70s  *Tuesday September 17, 2002 @06:28PM 1 2
Back to the 70s  *Tuesday September 17, 2002 @06:17PM 16 5, Interesting
   attached to Bon Jovi Tries New Approach To Fight Piracy
Been there, done that  *Thursday August 15, 2002 @09:42PM 2 4, Insightful
   attached to Moving from Corporate IT to Science?
Strange incentive  *Thursday August 15, 2002 @09:10PM 2 5, Insightful
   attached to Slashback: Activism, VOIP, Ivies
I have this idea. . .  *Monday August 12, 2002 @01:22AM  1
   attached to From Software to Soup: On Trading Coding for Crepes
Re:Price is the obvious issue here  *Monday July 29, 2002 @06:57PM  1
   attached to Hop-On Hops Back On the PR Bandwagon
You know what's _really_ cool?  *Friday July 26, 2002 @02:35PM  1
   attached to JavaScript : The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition
Mmmm, victuals!!!  *Tuesday July 23, 2002 @07:36PM  1
   attached to The Open Source Cookbook?
For the geek in you  *Friday July 19, 2002 @11:12AM  1
   attached to Light-Emitting Polymer Displays
Re:Nyet!  *Thursday July 18, 2002 @06:33PM  2, Funny
   attached to John Gilmore Sues Ashcroft et al. for Freedom to Travel
Re:2008 headline - MIT Optimistic, Orwell Right  *Wednesday July 17, 2002 @05:19PM  1
Re:2008 headline - MIT Optimistic, Orwell Right  *Wednesday July 17, 2002 @05:11PM 2 1
   attached to MIT Technology Review on Where Orwell Went Wrong
Ask Slashdot  *Thursday July 11, 2002 @09:25PM 2 3, Interesting
   attached to Build Your Own Virus
Re:Ethanol  *Tuesday July 09, 2002 @03:20PM 1 1
Re:Must be a lot of us thinking about this  *Tuesday July 09, 2002 @03:14PM  1
Re:Ethanol  *Tuesday July 09, 2002 @01:37PM  2, Informative
   attached to Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Recommendations?

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
